Senin, 23 Juli 2012

The Herbal Husband's Harvest!

Think I Have Enough Garlic for Jelly!

Tomatoes from the 'Patio' Tomato Plant

The 'Patio' Tomato on the Patio!

The Favorite Bean in This House is Waxed
The Herbal Husband has been busy in the garden.  He dug the garlic last week before the rains came and thank goodness, he did.  The ones on the far left are volunteers that he planted seeds that took two years to grow!  If you leave garlic until it is entirely brown, it will most likely have split bulbs.  The paper husks over the cloves will start breaking apart.  I think a bit of green and brown is a good combination.  I try to make he dig a bit earlier, but stubborn sometimes wins out!  It was a great year because we were hot and dry for a good bit of the early summer.

The 'Patio' tomatoes on the patio have been a big hit and we know that some day down the road that this may be the go to tomato when we are done with a big vegetable garden.  Two of these plants would be more than enough for us.  The first harvest of tomatoes from the 'Patio' gave us a character!

The final photo is of our waxed bean plants emerging from the soil.  We are always running around like chickens with our heads cut off and again around this time.  The Herbal Husband has found that starting the bean seeds in a container and then transplanting them into the ground works best.  So it is supposed to rain, but the sun is brightly shining.  So much for the forecast.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be!  Talk to you later.