Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

My Mountain Mint, Different From Yours, An Obsessive Neurotic Gardener

One of my favorite blogs, An Obsessive Neurotic Gardener was showing us what's blooming in New Jersey at the moment.  Of course, his mountain mint is blooming and looks entirely different from mine.  Just wanted to show mine to you.  It is called a short-toothed mountain mint (Pycnanthemum muticum).  It is definitely going to bloom shortly, but it has a very subtle bloom.  It attracts all kinds of beneficials.  Tracey from Breathing English Air remarked on the size of this mint.  I didn't mention that this particular mint is more ornamental than culinary, I think.  Please correct me if you have used this kind of mint in a recipe.  This mint dries very well for arrangements or for potpourri.  I will add a closeup of the "flowers" once they start blooming.

I spent two hours this morning picking raspberries and making jam.  It is going to be may be 100 degrees today.  We don't reach that milestone at all in the 'Burgh!  I'm hoping the forecasters are incorrect and that we will only be in the 90's.  Relief is on the horizon.  Will be back in the 80's early next week.  Have a couple of days in the 90's left.  We have been a bit cranky having to water.  You know who basically is the cranky one.  I'm going to pick through the berries I picked this morning for another batch of jam.  Stay cool wherever you may be doing and if it is cool where you are, be thankful!  Talk to you later.