Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

My White Garden

OK, that big white flower on the left hand side doesn't count because it's a metal sculpture.  The plant in the back that looks little gray or white is the mountain mint I wrote a post about earlier this month.  Now that it has bloomed, it has a whitish cast to the bloom.  On the far right is a white phlox that was picked out by The Herbal Husband because of it's fragrance called 'Fujiyama'.  I know, I should have bought 'David'.  Because basically 'Fuyiyama' gets a terrible (and it is so bad it is embarrassing case) of powdery mildew most years.  I have wanted to remove it from the garden and The Herbal Husband is hanging on to it for dear life!  This year you almost can't tell it has it!  I thought it got it when it was hot and dry, but I guess it gets it when it is cool and wet.  I get totally confused on symptoms and when diseases occur.  Maybe that's why I'm not an active master gardener at the moment!  OK, we're working on getting the nasturtiums into the ground.  Then we have the viburnum to get into the ground and we will be done!  Always something going on in the garden.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Been working on a new post of The Herb Companion about virtual herbal vacations.  Hope to get it submitted for next week.  Talk to you later.