Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

What A Difference A Day Makes And. . .!

you can have tomatoes later in the season.  Our tomato plants were planted July 31st and as you can see, we had tomato, basil (bought in the store, sorry), avocado, Feta cheese and olive salad.  The Herbal Husband picked our tomatoes green and we wrapped them up in paper and they are just getting red.  Not a sun ripened taste, but I'm just amazed we got any tomatoes this year!  The last photo is of raspberry muffins I made this morning.  Last of the fresh raspberries.

As you also can see by the banner photo, we lost our snow, but not the cold.  I took a walk and nearly froze.  Have to pull my winter weather gear out.  I'm going to try and walk outside more this winter if I can.  I've got metal in my ankle so I need to be careful that I don't damage it again.  It can't be fixed.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Herbal remedies for a sore throat ~ part 3

Sage leaves

This is third part of a series on Herbal Remedies for colds and the flu.

Many sore throats are a result of a viral infection and while they cause considerable discomfort they will go away on their own. However, a small percentage is caused by streptococcus, which is a potentially serious infection. If you have a severe sore throat that lasts for more than a week see your doctor to get a test for streptococcus. 

Sore throats can really be a pain. Luckily there are a variety of herbal treatments that can help prevent a situation from worsening, or can soothe an already raging sore throat. 

One way we differentiate sore throats in Traditional Chinese Medicine is by deducing whether they are caused by Wind-Heat or Wind-Cold. 

A Wind-Cold pattern may include a slight fever with more chills than fever, aversion to cold, sudden onset and the throat is itchy and slightly sore. Herbal strategies for this type of sickness include releasing the exterior with stimulating diaphoretic herbs. In general we'll have more success using spicy, pungent and warming herbs. (Garlic, ginger, cottonwood buds, bee balm, etc)

A Wind-Heat pattern may include a high fever with slight chills, sweating, aversion to heat, yellow secretions (through coughing, nasal discharge or even a yellow coating on the tongue) and a swollen sore throat. Herbal strategies for this type of sickness includes releasing the exterior through relaxing diaphoretics and using bitter, cooling herbs. (Boneset, elder flowers, horehound, marshmallow, Echinacea)

One way we differentiate herbs in western herbalism is by herbal actions. I've broken this materia medical for sore throats into four different categories. Rather than think of using one or the other, consider your specific symptoms and put together a blend that fits your particular circumstance. Also keep in mind that herbs rarely fit neatly into categories. Marshmallow root for example is demulcent, cooling, anti-microbial and immune supportive. 

Demulcent herbs: These herbs are slimy in nature and help to coat the mucous membranes of the throat. This can bring instant relief to dry itchy throats. Demulcent herbs include licorice, marshmallow, and slippery elm. 

Astringent herbs: These herbs can tighten the pores of the mucous membranes, helping to close out further infection and reduce inflammation and swelling. Astringent herbs include horehound, sage (Salvia officinalis), and red clover. 

Antimicrobial herbs: These help to eliminate pathogens. Examples include cottonwood buds (Populus balsimifera), bee balm (Monarda spp.), garlic, ginger and goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis). I often like to take these infused in honey. Honey is soothing to the throat and is also antimicrobial. 

Lymphatic herbs: Lymphatic herbs stimulate movement of lymph and can be very helpful when dealing with a sore throat combined with swollen lymph glands. Examples include Echinacea, calendula flowers (Calendula officinalis), cleavers (Galium aparine), burdock root (Arctium lappa), red root (Ceanothus spp.) and mullein (Verbascum thapsus).

Demulcent Herbs

Licorice tea
Licorice is a wonderfully soothing and demulcent root that can help with a variety of cold and flu symptoms, including sore throats, coughing, and even bronchitis. Licorice is readily found in tea bags at grocery stores. Or you can buy the root in bulk and simmer for twenty minutes, strain, and enjoy. Licorice is not for use during pregnancy or nursing and should be approached with caution for those with hypertension or diabetes. Licorice root has also been shown to be anti-viral and is commonly used for cold sores

Slippery Elm Gruel (Ulmus spp.)
To make gruel, place a tablespoon of powdered slippery elm into a pint jar and add a 1/4 cup of hot water and stir/shake well. Once it is mixed thoroughly, fill the jar with lukewarm water. Shake and stir well and then drink. This nutritive gruel is an easily digestible food for those too weak to eat normal foods. This blend is also one of my favorite remedies for heart burn and gastric ulcers. 

Slippery elm trees are in trouble. Habitat loss and infestations have taken a big toll. Look for slippery elm that is cultivated. If you can’t find it, consider using other species of elm or substituting marshmallow. 

Slippery Elm Lozenges (Ulmus spp.)
This is a wonderful recipe I first learned from the Gallagher family at Learningherbs.com. I now have a batch ready at all times so they are on hand when needed. Slippery elm is another herb that has been hard hit, both by the marketing industry and unethical harvesting, as well as by diseases affecting the tree itself. If you choose to buy slippery elm, please make sure it comes from a sustainable source. 

The following recipe originally comes from Leslie Tierra and is copied here from her wonderful book for kids of all ages: A Kid’s Herb Book
  1. Make a tea of licorice using ½ cup of water and 1 teaspoon chopped licorice root. Simmer covered for 10 minutes, then strain. You should have ¼ cup tea. If less, add a little water to make ¼ cup liquid. 
  2. Put ½ cup slippery elm powder in a bowl and make a well in the center. Pour ¼ cup tea (or plain water if you don’t have licorice tea) into the hold and gently mix into the slippery elm powder to make a smooth dough.
  3. Sprinkle some slippery elm powder on a clean flat surface and roll out the dough to ¼ inch thickness. 
  4. Cut lozenges into small circles – a tiny bottle cap, such as the lid from a vanilla extract bottle works well. Or roll dough into small balls, flatten and smooth the edges with your fingers. Make sure all the edges are smooth so the lozenges aren’t sharp when you suck on them. You can press designs into each lozenge if you like. Set evenly spaced on a plate. Leave out uncovered overnight or for a day or two until completely hardened. (If you live in a really damp environment you may need to put them in the oven on the lowest setting to get them completely dry.) 
  5. Store in a dark bottle or tin in a cool, dry, dark place. (Mine keep for months – but it depends on how dry you can get them.) 
  6. Suck on the pill so it dissolves in your mouth and coats your throat to heal your throat and lungs. These can be taken liberally. 

Marshmallow tea (Althea officinalis)
To make marshmallow tea simply put ¼ cup of marshmallow root in a pint size jar. Fill this jar with cold to lukewarm water and let sit for a minimum of four hours. You will notice that this brew will get more mucilaginous (thick) and slippery with time. Strain when ready and drink as desired. 

Marhsmallow root tea
If you need the marshmallow tea NOW, you can also decoct the root by simmering it for twenty minutes. The cold infusion is slightly superior than a decoction, but the decoction will certainly work in a pinch. 

Marshmallow is also anti-microbial and can stimulate phagocytosis, an important immune system function. You can read more about marshmallow here. 

Astringent Herbs

Sage (Salvia officinalis)
A cup of sage tea can soothe a sore throat immensely. This common kitchen spice has been used for centuries in a variety of ways, including for sore throats. To make a cup of sage leaf tea place 1 tablespoon of crumbled leaf in a cup and pour 8 oz of boiling water over the top. Cover and infuse for about 30 minutes. When ready, strain and drink. Honey and lemon can be added to taste. 

Horehound (Marrubium vulgare)  
Horehound remedies used to stock the shelves of medicine cabinets years ago. Used for sore throats and coughs, this intense tasting herb is very effective. 

You can make a tea from horehound by placing a tablespoon in a cup, covering it with 8 oz of boiling water, and letting it steep for 20 minutes; then strain. You will most likely want to add honey to this mixture as this is a very bitter brew. 

Horehound syrup is a much sweeter blend and may prove to have more patient compliance than the tea.  

Horehound Syrup
½ cup horehound (flowering tops) 
2 cups water
2 cups local raw honey (this amount can be adjusted to your liking) 

Boil the water and pour over the herbs. Let sit for two to four hours, strain, gently re-warm, and dissolve the honey into the tea. Store in the fridge and use within a month. For a faster syrup you can also gently simmer (not boil!) the herb in water and cover it with a lid for ten minutes, strain, and then add the honey. 

Horehound is a stimulating expectorant that is also used for coughs, specifically for moist and unproductive coughs. It can further irritate dry coughs. Coughs will be discussed in more detail in the next section. 

Horehound growing in the Luberon in southern France

Antimicrobial herbs

Garlic Honey
Garlic honey is anti-microbial and soothing to your throat. To make this sweet and spicy treat, fill a jar with freshly minced garlic, add honey to fill the jar and stir well. To ensure the honey and garlic are mixed well you can turn the jar upside down a couple times a day. You can consume garlic and honey immediately and after a couple of days the mixture will transform into a more syrupy consistency. Honey also helps to relieve some of the hot and drying tendencies of garlic. A similar honey can be made with white onions and is especially nice for wet coughs. 

Too much garlic can make you nauseous, so be sure to listen to your stomach and don’t over do it.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger is a fabulous warming herb that is regularly used for people with colds and the flu. It is a stimulating diaphoretic that warms the core and drives heat out of the body. 

It is also highly effective against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus spp., and Salmonella spp. If that’s not impressive enough it also aids upper respiratory infections and abates nausea. The list of medicinal benefits goes on and on, including it being a circulatory stimulant and an anti-inflammatory – whole books can be written about ginger. 

I love ginger tea and drink it often whether sick or not. To make ginger tea I grate fresh ginger root with a cheese grater and then simmer gently (covered) for at least twenty minutes. How much ginger to water? Depends on how strong you want it. When it is through simmering I leave the ginger in the tea and drink it as well. Some people add lemon and honey to this mixture. 

You can also add fresh or dried ginger to meats and vegetables. I’ve used the tincture with success when traveling, but since this root is easily found year round in grocery stores I like to make it fresh as described above. You can store your ginger in the freezer for longer keeping and there’s no need to peel the root when making the tea. 

You can also make a delicious ginger honey simply by filling a jar with grated ginger and then covering the ginger with honey. Stir well. I set my honey on the counter for a few days and turn it upside down every couple of days. You can immediately eat ginger honey, but after a few days it will transform into a syrupy consistency that is oh so good. Store in the fridge for long-term use. 

Sore Throat Pastilles
This recipe combines the demulcent quality of slippery elm with the astringent and antimicrobial properties of sage and rose. Special thanks to Kiva Rose for inspiring this recipe: 

½ cup powdered slippery elm
¼ cup powdered sage leaves (Salvia spp.) 
¼ cup powdered rose petals
warmed honey

Combine powders and then slowly add warmed honey. I like to add a little honey, stir well, then add a little more honey. We are looking for a dough-like consistency. Once that has been reached you can roll the dough and cut out circles as described for the slippery elm lozenges or you can roll the dough into small balls. Leave these to dry on the counter or dehydrate them. Once they are dried and stored in an airtight container they will last for a long time. I keep mine in a cool place. 

Sore throat pastilles

Lymphatic Herbs

Mullein leaves (Verbascum thapsus) 
Mullein works wonders on the entire respiratory symptom. I especially consider its use when there is painful coughing and swollen lymph glands. To make a tea of mullein leaves fill a mason jar half full of the leaves and then cover with just boiled water. Let this sit for four hours, then strain it really well. Mullein leaves are covered in little tiny hairs that can be irritating to the respiratory system, because of this I strain it through a cheesecloth and I imagine a paper towel would also be useful. 

Mullein leaves

Echinacea spp. 
Echinacea is great for swollen lymph glands. It supports the movement of lymph so the immune system can better do its job. I use echinacea as a tincture, 30 - 60 drops every one to two hours. 

Red Root (Ceonothus spp.) 
One of our most incredible lymphatic herbs, I often combine the tincture of red root with Echinacea for swollen lymph glands. 

A Cold Compress Increases Vitality to the Throat
Using a cold compress is another gem of information learned from Paul Bergner’s Acute Symptoms CD Set. This procedure increases stimulation and “vital force” to the throat to increase healing. 

To make this compress apply a cold wet cloth to the front of the throat. This can be done simply by wetting a washcloth with cold tap water and wringing it out. Do not cover the back of the neck, only the front. Then, cover this cold wet cloth with a dry cloth – a scarf may be used. Lie down and after about 20 – 40 minutes the body will heat up the cold cloth, thus bringing increased circulation to the area. 

An Article for Beginner Herb Gardeners

I know some of you need help on what to do in your herb garden at all times of year.  There is so much to tell.  The Herb Companion website is a wonderful resource and not just because I blog for them.  Sal Gilbertie has written a new book for beginners and The Herb Companion has put an excerpt from that book on its website.  Here is a link to the article called From Our Bookshelf: Herb Gardening for Beginners.  It won't be published until next year, but maybe it will help guide you in the short term.  I am going to try over the next months to rearrange my blog to make my labels geared to what you should be doing in your herb garden.  I have been posting for a long time so it may take awhile for the rearrangement.

Christmas Decorations in the Stores Before Halloween and Now This!

As you can see by my banner photo, we have snow before Halloween!  This is a back garden photo.  I remember one year not too long ago, we had snow on Halloween.  Sooo all I can hope for is that it changes to rain soon and gets the heck out of here!  I love snow don't miss quote me.  I just love it once the trees have lost their leaves!  This is not all that pretty and will be bad for the plants as well.  Hope your day has been snow free.  Talk to you later.

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

So What Have I Been Up to?

I decided not to put out the Out Weeding Sign to take an herbal timeout like usual.  I just stole away in broad daylight and went to visit our old and dear friend, Jim.  He had to move out to Chicago to be closer to his only daughter.  His dear wife, LaVerne passed away last year and he also lost his older daughter last year as well. We love Jim and we wanted to be sure to see him at least one more time.  He is 95 and thinks he is 100!  Here is a photo of him with me.
He recognized us, but I don't think he knew our names.  I was just happy he remembered us from the good times we had with the two of them.  He had been married to LaVerne for 65 years!  What a loss!  He does have his lady friends (We called them his girlfriends and he corrected us.) that take care of him at meal times.  There is one lady that has learned how he likes his coffee and she always has it ready for him when he gets to the table!  It was wonderful to see him and to know he is doing pretty good.

Of course, we did a little bit of everything.  I drove 1,200 miles for your safety and mine.  450 miles out and back and 300 miles in between.  Got to downtown Chicago, the Botanic Garden, a toy show and a visit to St. Charles and the Fox River.  I was exhausted when we got home.  I think I slept most of Tuesday!  Got a new back door on Wednesday.  Had issues with the new front door.  It is tough when you order a door that isn't even in the design catalog.  It is waiting for replacement hinges and a door jam and is being stored in our garage.  Maybe after Halloween!  Finally don't have to do a hip check on the back door!  The Penguins may have been able to use me with Crosby out!  HA!  That's really funny!

Well, I have sort of liven up the surroundings on my blog home page.  The lemon verbena that was attacked by the stink bug has recovered so I'm going cut it down and make jelly today.

Because someone threw the switch again and it is COLD here.  Need to find my gloves!  Well, I hope you aren't as cold as we are!  Talk to you later.

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Bee balm - our native spice

Bee Balm
Monarda fistulosa, M. punctata, M. menthifolia, M. didyma
Also called Wild Bergamot, Sweet Leaf, Horsemint, Wild Oregano, Oswego tea

Plant family: Mint family (Lamiaceae)

Plant energetics: spicy, diffusive, stimulating

Parts used: Aerial portions, harvested preferably just before a full bloom emerges

Plant properties: anti-microbial, carminative, stimulating/relaxing diaphoretic, anti-spasmodic, emmenagogue, relaxing nervine

Plant preparations: Infused honey, infused vinegar, tincture, steam inhalation, infused oils and salve, culinary spice, cough syrup, douche

Used for: Colds and the flu symptoms (fevers, sore throats, coughs), UTIs, yeast infections, topical fungal infections, digestive woes, wounds, burns, as a culinary spice, toothaches, steam for congested sinuses, mouth wash, inflammation

And the smell. If you haven’t smelled bee balm, go smell some as soon as you can. Taste it while you’re at it. Make some tea. It’s calming and comforting and enlivening. We drank it all winter when I was small—sometimes mixed with lemon balm, sometimes on its own. - Rebecca Crabapple

Bee balm is such a delightful plant with its splash of flowers, strong scent, spicy taste and of course its affinity for bees. 

It grows up to five feet tall in my garden and the bees can’t get enough of the flowers, buzzing from one to another in such quantity that the whole bush seems to hum at a low frequency. 

Although bee balm is easily grown in the garden, this mint is endemic to North America and can be found growing wild throughout the US and Canada (see the USDA range map below). It was used extensively by many different native american tribes, including the  Blackfoot, Menominee, Ojibwa and Winnebago. 

This plant has many common names but they are all referring to some type of Monarda species. There are about 16 different species of Monarda and as far as I know all can be used interchangeably with the taste of the plant giving us insight into its potency. Generally, the spicier the plant, the more potent. Monarda fistulosa, M. punctata, M. menthifolia, and M. didyma are the ones most commonly used as medicine. 

Bee balm is a plant of many hats. It can find its way into your culinary spice cabinet, yet be some of our most potent medicine against infections. 

For infections of the mouth... 
Chemically, bee balm is closely related to thyme. Both of these plants contain high concentrations of thymol, which is a strong antiseptic. Thymol is a main ingredient in many commercial mouthwashes. A tea made from bee balm or a tincture of bee balm diluted in water not only freshens the breath but can also address infections in the mouth and gums. 

For infections and discomfort of the digestive tract... 
As a spicy carminative herb, bee balm can promote stagnant digestion and relieve discomforts such as bloating, cramping and excessive gas. Herbalist Matthew Wood says it is beneficial for gallstone colic. Besides helping with a little indigestion, bee balm is a heavy hitter for serious intestinal woes from diarrhea to vomiting to cholera. 

It soothes gastric and intestinal pain in the absence of inflammation, especially in Cholera Morbus and overcomes nausea and vomiting. It controls diarrhea from debility with relaxation of the mucous structures of the intestinal canal.
Finley Ellingwood, 1919

For fungal infections...
Bee balm is strongly anti-fungal, lending itself to combatting topical infections as well as imbalanced healthy flora such as candida overgrowth and chronic vaginal yeast infections. For topical infections try a wash made from the tea as well as taking it internally as a tincture or tea. 

For candida overgrowth try drinking regular cups of tea or drops of the tincture. For chronic vaginal yeast infections drink the tea internally as well as use the cooled tea as a douche. 

Oil of Oregano is currently a popular item in alternative medicine for combating candida and various infections, but what most people do not know is that the active constituent of Oil of Oregano is present in large amounts in our own Monarda. For anything you might use Oil of Oregano for, you can substitute the prolific (and cheap) Monarda. -Kiva Rose
Monarda didyma taken at a friends garden in southern France

For colds and the flu...
Bee balm alone can be a wonderful pharmacy for the cold and flu season. The infused honey can soothe a sore throat. The hot tea can ease the discomfort of a fever and the inhaled steam can loosen congested mucous in the nose and lungs. 

Bee balm is a diffusive herb. It brings heat from the core of the body to the periphery. If that sounds abstract to you, try drinking a cup of hot bee balm tea. You can literally feel the heat rise from the core of your body up to the skin and then dissipate. 

In its general influence monarda punctata is a pure active stimulant of a diffusible character; a few drops of the oil on the tongue will produce a stimulation which will be felt at the tips of the fingers in a few minutes. It stimulates the nervous system and increases the heart's action, taking the place of alcoholic stimulants to a great extent. The essence, tincture or infusion are all prompt in their action. It soothes nervous excitement when due to exhaustion, promoting sleep and rest. Finley Ellingwood, 1919

One of the ways bee balm helps to break up stagnancy through its diffusive actions is by promoting delayed menses. We call this an emmenagogue or blood mover and it should not be taken in large amounts by women in pregnancy. 

As a relaxing nervine...
Besides fighting infection and restoring healthy flora, bee balm is wonderful as a relaxing nervine as well. Herbalist Matt Wood says bee balm is specific for people with excessive nervousness and anxiety and for those who have difficulties with their passions. He has an extensive write up of bee balm in his book, The Book Of Herbal Wisdom. 

Because bee balm is diffusive and stimulating in nature it works especially well for those people with symptoms of stagnancy and excessive dampness such as clammy skin. 

In my mind, Beebalm’s special talents lie in its infection resolving abilities as well as its mood lifting and somewhat euphoric effect upon the senses. It also has the benefit of having both stimulating and relaxing, warming and cooling attributes. It can create a distinct feeling of heat in the body, but also significantly cools inflammation of any kind.Kiva Rose
For preventing infection and healing burns... 
Bee balm is a wonderful remedy for burns. It can be infused in honey, in vinegar as a tea wash or even as a spit poultice. Once the heat has left the burn it can be applied as a salve. 

Botanically speaking... 
Bee balm grows readily in the garden as well as in the wilderness. All species of Monarda are endemic to North America. 

You can differentiate the species through flower color and growth patterns. In this section we’ll discuss the Monarda genus. 

Bee balm is a perennial plant that can grow up to six feet tall, but is more commonly around 4 feet. 

Being a member of the mint family, bee balm has many mint family characteristics. 
It has square stems and opposite lanceolate leaves. 

Its flowers have the typical “lipped” appearance of the mint family. I’ve heard them aptly described as fireworks. 

It flowers in the late summer and is typically harvested while in bloom. 

Plant Preparations
Bee balm is considered safe for most people but because of its ability to promote suppressed menstruation it should not be taken in medicinal doses by pregnant women. 
Although all species can be used in the same manner I suggest tasting your different bee balms to get a feel for the variations within them. This will help you to determine dosage. 

When making a tea, steep the plant for anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes. Longer steeping might produce a tea that is difficult to drink due to the high volatile oil content. 
Bee balm makes a great tincture and can also be extracted into honey, vinegar and oil. 
It also makes a great culinary spice. Consider adding it to dishes where you would normally add oregano or thyme. Eggs, pizza and even vegetables and steak all combine well with this spicy plant. 

If you don't have bee balm growing near you, consider adding it to your garden. This is a fun and easy plant to grow and very difficult to find it in commerce. 

This article was originally posted on HerbMentor.com

Want to learn more? 
Here's an article about making bee balm oxymel. 
Hunger and Thirst's recipe for pizza
Hunger and Thirst's recipe for crackers

And don't forget Matthew Wood's Book of Herbal Wisdom

Gail Faith Edwards at The Rosemary House

We spent the day yesterday with Gail Faith Edwards, who gave a day-long class at The Rosemary House. The class was held in the tea room of Sweet Remembrances next door and selfishly, I was so happy the group fit into the tea room - intimate, comfy, and like a group of friends talking about their favorite subject. In fact, I did get to see some old friends and meet some subscribers I hadn't before. It was a wonderful day!
Gail gave an exceptional presentation. One of the things I have always loved about Gail is that when she speaks (especially) about herbs, her voice has a quality that reminds me of when I was young and my mother would tell me fascinating or exciting stories. There is that feeling of secrets being revealed. As the day went on, I noticed that she became more and more beautiful. Yes, I DO know how odd that sounds, except that on the way home I asked my sister if she noticed it too - and she exclaimed that she had been seeing the same thing. It is so clear how much she loves the plant realm.

Between the materia medica and the specifics for making medicine and treating conditions, she sprinkled the information with personal stories. It was when I realized that even though I've been acquainted with Gail for well over 10 years, I'd had no idea how humble she is. For instance, I'd never heard about her going to Bhopal to work with the people suffering from the massive chemical gas leak. The only reason we heard that story was because she was affected severely with some of the afflictions she'd treated after she got home, and she was describing her self-treatment. Some of the things she shared seemed to surprise even herself, and I think that came from the intimacy of the group. I am so glad to have been there. Even with 40 years working in herbs (which she says has only taught her that there is so much more to learn) she made everyone in the room feel more at ease with their own level of knowledge. It was a completely magical day and I enjoyed every morsel.
I was particularly fascinated with the segment on Baltic amber. Having read some of her writing on amber, I'd gotten some from her before and a small bottle of tincture. It was much more powerful to hear her talk about it. I don't think many people left there without some amber.My sister, Susanna, and Lorie after the class wrapped up.

My camera dropped last week, and it seems that the lens got jostled. That's disappointing, because I would have loved to have shared more with you here. Not that pictures of the scrumptious scones, spreads, soup, salad, and desserts would have expressed their flavors... not that the grins and smiles from the other attendees would have conveyed their delight in the class... but still.

I hope Gail had a splendid trip back to Maine. We certainly enjoyed her time here :-)
Many thanks to Susanna and Nancy for bringing herb experts to our area and for making it such a spectacular event.

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Natural Bridge, VA

There was another stop for the Essential Herbal contingent coming back from the SEWHC a few days ago. Driving along Rt 81, there were signs tempting us to stop at Natural Bridge, a property that at one time belonged to Thomas Jefferson. We looked at the signs wistfully until we saw the one for the butterfly house. That did it for us.
It was fun for a while, even if it was in a cement block basement with no windows. Then I started noticing the dead butterflies under the plants and began to wonder about the lack of caterpillars.
So I asked one of the youthful attendants if the butterflies were able to complete their life cycles by reproducing. "No," she said, "we don't have the plants they need here, and besides, there would be caterpillars everywhere eating the plants... and we'd need a greenhouse."
They just continually order in the chrysalis stage of butterflies, hatch them, and that's that. I might be over-reacting, but that just ruined the whole thing for me. A cheesy roadside attraction with no regard or respect for the magnificent living creatures that draw the crowd - that's how it felt to me. We left the display saddened, and continued the walk.
Along the way, there was a series of perhaps 150 steps down to the rock-walled creek that led to the natural bridge. Going down the steps we saw some lovely scenery as water coursed down the hillside beside the steps.
There was still lots of lush growth in the underbrush.
And finally, the bridge itself.
It was stunning, no doubt about that. The bridge is probably at least 100 feet high and breathtaking.
We skipped the wax museum and the dinosaur museum. The whole thing (except the actual attraction) had the flavor of South of the Border - the crazy village of hotel rooms/cottages on the border of North and South Carolina.
It was fun to walk around and see the plants and the bridge. The rest... not so much.

Photo Friday - Orchids

Photo Friday - Where I share my love of photography and plants

Serapias vomeracea
Geneva Botanical Gardens
This week I've been writing the next episode of Learning Your Plants - a botany course for herbalists for HerbMentor.com. 

This episode is focused on the orchid family and so I was inspired to share some orchid photos this Friday. 

Most of us are most familiar with the orchids that are so lovingly cultivated in people's homes. There are over 100,000 cultivars of orchids! 

I adore orchids and the ones closest to my heart are the ones found in the wild. This is the largest plant family on the planet, yet there is something so magical about finding these spectacular plants. Perhaps due to the wet spring and early summer I found orchids this year that I had never seen before - some of them growing right outside my cabin! 

This first set of photos are of Lady's Slippers (Cypripedium montanum). These grow along our creek, about a five minute walk from our cabin. Each spring when these start to emerge from the ground I visit them daily to watch them unfold. 

Lady's Slippers were a favorite medicinal plant not too many decades ago. Over harvesting and habitat loss have put most species on the endangered list. I am working with these plants to encourage them to spread abundantly. 

This White Bog Orchid (Platanthera spp.) was growing on Mt. Hood. I had the honor of hiking through the area with Paul Bergner and his students a couple of years ago and we came alongside this beauty in a marshy open clearing. 

Coral root (Corallorhiza maculata) is not only an orchid but also a non-photosynthesizing plant that lives in relationship with mycelium. Michael Moore discusses using this plant medicinally, but I've only admired this creature for its beauty. This photo was taken in central Utah at high elevation. 

This is the orchid I found growing just a few steps outside my cabin. I am still wondering, was I just oblivious to this delicate plant growing so near by? Or did the abundant rains inspire its growth? This is the Alaska-Rein Orchid (Piperia unalaschensis). 

I believe this is Slender Bog Orchid (Platanthera stricta). It was growing in a sub-alpine bog not too far off Hwy 20 here in Washington state. We found it while taking a short hike on our way to the Northwest Herbal Fair in Mt. Vernon this year. The clearing also boasted elephant's head, gorgeous violets, veronica species and many more floral wonders. 

This Lady's Tresses (Spiranthes romazolfiana) was a delightful surprise growing around a lake just north of Mazama, Washington. Its common name refers to the flowers looking like a woman's braid. 

These next couple of photos are photos I took this spring at the Geneva Botanical Gardens. My husband's mother lives about 45 minutes from Geneva, so we took a day trip to see the gardens. We spent five hours wandering around this spectacular park and saw a small fraction of the plants there. 

The (free) gardens were very well maintained and organized in interesting sections. They had a medicinal herb area, plants that made oils, plants that were used for fibers, etc. Of course I loved the medicinal plants area where I saw lots of plants I'd never had the chance to see in life before. 

I also loved the area where plants were arranged in areas by continent. Rather than straight garden rows these areas had been manipulated to look like more natural environments. I was able to see lots of Chinese medicinals, plants from Africa and even plants I had never seen from north america. 

Across the street from the gardens was the United Nations building. While walking around the gardens we also had the pleasure of hearing a plethora of different languages. 

Here's another variety of Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium reginae) which grows on the east coast. 

This next orchid is one of the most abundant orchids on the west coast - apparently I had to go to Geneva to find it! 

Stream Orchid (Epipactis gigantea)

How about you? Do you adore orchids? Are there any orchids growing in your area?