Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

A Sad Tomato Crop for The Herbal Husband and Herbal Transfers!

Between the deer and the cooler weather, the tomato crop was a disaster this year.  Well, we weren't able to plant plants when it was a good time.  Then we went away and couldn't water or take care of them.  So these plants were purchased at the end of July!  So I guess it's a miracle of sorts that we got anything at all.  With my GERD, tomatoes have fallen from favor with me.  I have them in small doses.  Gone are the days to have a big plate of spaghetti and tomato sauce!  Boo hoo!  The Herbal Husband did bring the survivors inside and wrapped them up in paper.  One is turning and the others have remained steadfastly green.  Maybe fried green tomatoes for The Herbal Husband!

It is still windy here, but dry.  We are going to try to bring the garden inside!  Ha!  A small joke!  However, we were discussing the plants we couldn't leave outside and that list is growing by leaps and bounds.  It happens every year, the rosemarys, the lavenders, the scented geraniums, the lemon verbenas.  You see an s on the end of all of those plants names.  That means there are at least two coming in!   WOW!  Test the master gardener abilities! Hope you are having a great day.  We are going to be busy around here for the next couple of days!  Talk to you later.