Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

More European Adventures-Graveson and Arles, France!

Pizza and Salad at a local restaurant in Graveson, France

The Herbal Husband's Favorite-Tiramisu

Lavender and Rosemary-A Staple of Southern France

The Sunflower Fields in Bloom on the Way to Arles

The Rhone River in Arles, France

Can You Believe it!  I Found a X-Stitch Store!

A Romanesque Church

The Coliseum in Arles

Cat on a Bike with Basil!

Van Gogh made a Painting of this Bridge

Our Brand New Rental Car!
We left The Netherlands by train in the morning and by the end of the day we were in the heat and sun of the south of France.  We stayed in a lovely bed & breakfast in Graveson, France called Le Cadran SolaireWe spent our first full day going to Arles and then St. Remy de Provence and then back to Arles.  The distances were so close that it wasn't a big deal.  More about Le Cadran Solaire and St. Remy de Provence in a later post.  Arles is a very ancient city from Roman times, but the Romans were everywhere at that time.  I did find a x-stitch shop and picked up a couple of small graphs.  Hope to get them finished in my lifetime!  I really have to get The Herbal Husband's sampler done of his citizenship!  It will be 20 years in February!  Well, fortunately the brand new rental car wasn't in a crash in the south of France.  They are very crazy drivers there!  It has been rainy, hailing and windy.  A wild day in the 'Burgh!  Hope you are having a great day.  Have a great weekend!  Talk to you later.