Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Finishing a Trip or Two-Poulsbo, Washington!

My Cousin Has a Beautiful View!

Found Herbs at a Local Nursery

Poulsbo Harbor

Famous Sluy's Poulsbo Bakery
After seven days of beautiful weather, the rains have come and our doors have been postponed!  So instead of a door post, we'll go traveling.  I'm so far behind on sharing trip photos that it doesn't matter what I talk about!  If your memory is hazy, let me refresh it.  We went up to Vancouver, BC to visit The Herbal Husband's nephew and family.  We then rented a car and took the ferry over to Victoria and saw Butchart Gardens and had tea at the Empress.  We took a second ferry into the United States to see my cousin and his wife in Poulsbo, Washington.  They have a beautiful view of the Hood Canal and the mountains.  We even brought good weather to them.  We had beautiful days as you can see from the photos above.  We went to a local nursery and found some really wonderful herbs.  Always sad not to be able to take any home!  Had to go back into Canada!  Then we went to downtown Poulsbo and walked along the harbor and had to stop at  Sluy's Poulsbo Bakery.  Yum!  We had a great time although short visit with my family.  Hopefully we will see them again soon.  Hope you are having a dry day.  The rain will continue so maybe the traveling will as well.  Talk to you later.