Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

So What Have I Been Up to?

I decided not to put out the Out Weeding Sign to take an herbal timeout like usual.  I just stole away in broad daylight and went to visit our old and dear friend, Jim.  He had to move out to Chicago to be closer to his only daughter.  His dear wife, LaVerne passed away last year and he also lost his older daughter last year as well. We love Jim and we wanted to be sure to see him at least one more time.  He is 95 and thinks he is 100!  Here is a photo of him with me.
He recognized us, but I don't think he knew our names.  I was just happy he remembered us from the good times we had with the two of them.  He had been married to LaVerne for 65 years!  What a loss!  He does have his lady friends (We called them his girlfriends and he corrected us.) that take care of him at meal times.  There is one lady that has learned how he likes his coffee and she always has it ready for him when he gets to the table!  It was wonderful to see him and to know he is doing pretty good.

Of course, we did a little bit of everything.  I drove 1,200 miles for your safety and mine.  450 miles out and back and 300 miles in between.  Got to downtown Chicago, the Botanic Garden, a toy show and a visit to St. Charles and the Fox River.  I was exhausted when we got home.  I think I slept most of Tuesday!  Got a new back door on Wednesday.  Had issues with the new front door.  It is tough when you order a door that isn't even in the design catalog.  It is waiting for replacement hinges and a door jam and is being stored in our garage.  Maybe after Halloween!  Finally don't have to do a hip check on the back door!  The Penguins may have been able to use me with Crosby out!  HA!  That's really funny!

Well, I have sort of liven up the surroundings on my blog home page.  The lemon verbena that was attacked by the stink bug has recovered so I'm going cut it down and make jelly today.

Because someone threw the switch again and it is COLD here.  Need to find my gloves!  Well, I hope you aren't as cold as we are!  Talk to you later.