Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Not Your Typical Scented Geranium!

When we left for Europe in July, we had to plant most of our potted herbs in the ground.  This scented geranium wasn't doing nearly as well as it is now that it has been raining 40 days and nights (kidding!).  I just ran out to get its name for you.  It's called 'Madame Nonin'.  Of course, had to find out about the Madame.  Known for its beautiful flower and I think I missed them!  I also stumbled onto this website Hobbs Farm and Greenery when I googled 'Madame Nonin'.  Lorraine Smith has a passion for geraniums.  She is in Hope, Maine.  Need to do a road trip some summer!  I think she must have every known scented geranium!  Could stay at Sharon Lovejoy's Comfort Found Literary Lodging!  Googled Hope and it's not too far away and then there is always L.L. Bean in Rockport (Ms. Sharon reminded me it's Freeport, not Rockport!)  I so wanted to be a mapmaker when I was young.  The math kept me from it!  So Lorraine says cut it back and bring it in.  Will do, Lorraine!  Going to have warm weather here again SOON!  Hope you are having a good day.  The Herbal Husband is getting ready to go to Florida!  Talk to you later.