Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Herbal Jelly Handouts Here or There!

OK, I know most of you didn't get to the Mother Earth News Fair at Seven Springs, but 12,000 others did.  Still, 30 brave souls sat through my talk and you can get my handouts without having to watch me wilt!  Here is the link for The Zen of Making Herbal Jelly.  Under Real Food Stage, you will see my name and the title of my talk.  You can download them and then save to your Desktop and do the green thing and save a tree by not printing them or you can print them and not save a tree.  Up to you.  Boy, never realize what The Herbal Husband does around here until he's gone (Not dead, just on vacation!)  I'm trying a couple of new recipes tonight and hopefully, I'll be sharing them with you if they turn out.  Another great day in the 'Burgh and it's the local high school's homecoming.  People are all excited!  Going to rake chestnut hulls among other things.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.