Kamis, 24 November 2011

We got a winner and the next giveaway!

Today is the second day of our giveaway! But FIRST I have the announcement of yesterday's winner. 

As a reminder, this person will receive Lesley Tierra's book, A Kid's Herb Book and a 4 oz bottle of Planetary Herbals Well-Child blend. 

The winner is... 


Congratulations! I'll be in touch in order to get these gifts shipped off to you. And a special thank you to the East West School of Herbology for donating these great gifts for this giveaway. 

Today we have another set of fabulous gifts that will be given as a pair. 

The first gift is the Herbal Adventure Game, Wildcraft! by LearningHerbs.com. If you've never played this game you are in for a treat! In this co-operative board game the players travel through a spiral to get to the huckleberry bush to gather berries for grandmother's pie. The goal is for everyone to gather berries and return home before dark. Along the way there are many opportunities to learn about medicinal plants. 

Kids of all ages LOVE this game. (Myself included!)

Wildcraft! is great family fun.Gather up the kids, bring out the board game, and learn about medicinal and edible plants in the most fun way imaginable.This is wonderfully cooperative game where everyone is a winner and everyone learns something about plants!
–Rosemary Gladstar,
Author of 'A Family Herbal' and MANY books

The second gift is a very informative book entitled Herbal Healing for Children by Demetria Clark. This book covers a wide range of ailments and herbs for children. A great reference for your bookshelf. 

" Demetria Clark gifts us with an enjoyable, thorough parenting guide for anyone who wants empower themselves and their children. 'Herbal medicine is people's medicine' is a constant theme in this book-and we all benefit.
Susun S. Weed, author of Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year

Here's how this works. If you would like to win these two prizes you can enter your name in the drawing multiple times by doing one or more of the following things. 

For EACH of the above things that you do, leave me a comment below. I'll enter your name in the hat for EACH comment you submit. 

So, if you shared this post on Facebook, simply write that in the comment field and I'll add your name to the hat. This means that you may make several separate comments for each action you take. 

You can enter your name up to 7 times! 

I'll draw the name for the winner tomorrow night at 9:00 PM PST and announce it here tomorrow morning. 

Good luck!