Selasa, 22 November 2011

Ebook sale and giveaway!

I hope you were able to attend the webinar tonight by Michael Tierra and me. 

I am almost done with the ebook that accompanies the webinar. This ebook contains all the information presented in the webinar plus lots more recipes and more in depth information about herbs. 

You can sign up for my newsletter in the list below to be notified of when it goes on sale. 

In the days leading up to the sale of the ebook I am going to be hosting a giveaway! By signing up below you'll find out about how you can win the wonderful herbal prizes this week, including books, games and herbal medicine. 

Prizes will be shipped to US only. However if I draw someone's name who lives in another country I'll be sure to give them an ebook (free shipping!). 

On Wednesday, November 23rd I'll be giving away a copy of A Kid's Herb Book by Lesley Tierra and a 4 oz bottle of Well Child form Planetary herbals. 

On Thursday I'll be giving away Wildcraft! the herbal adventure board game and Demetria Clark's book, Herbal Healing For Children. 

On Friday I'll be giving away an entire year's subscription to the Herbal Roots Zine. 

Then on Saturday (cross my fingers the ebook will be done), I'll giveaway a copy of my ebook and put it on sale! 

Don't forget to sign up!