Jumat, 25 November 2011

A winner and a chance to win a year of Herbal Roots Zine

I have to say that although I am pretty new to this whole giveaway phenomenon I am quickly falling in love. It is so much fun to give away gifts! Thank you to LearningHerbs.com and Demetria Clark for their generous gifts! 

 Without further ado our winner of the Wildcraft! game and the book Herbal Healing for Children is.... 


Gardensage, please contact me so I can get these prizes shipped off to you! 

Today we have a very exciting gift which was generously donated by Kristine Brown, the beautiful and creative proprietor of Herbal Roots Zine. 

A year's subscription to Herbal Roots Zine!!!!

If you've been following me for even a short while you'll know I am a huge fan of this monthly educational zine. It is filled with stories, songs and all sorts of crafts and other learning opportunities. I mentor a ten year old girl and she loves this as well (but really I subscribe for myself!). 

This zine has taught me how to use comfrey to fertilize my garden, how to use herbal dyes to make beautiful scarves and how to belt out songs about yarrow (as sung to Annie's Tomorrow) 

My yarrow, my yarrow, I love ya, my yarrow, You’’re always an herb I’’ll grow!

I have no doubt that many of you will also want to be singing herbal songs at the top of your lungs while driving your kiddos around! 

Here's how this works. If you would like to win a year long subscription to Herbal Roots Zine you can enter your name in the drawing multiple times by doing one or more of the following things.  

For EACH of the above things that you do, leave me a comment below. I'll enter your name in the hat for EACH comment you submit.  

So, if you shared this post on Facebook, simply write that in the comment field and I'll add your name to the hat. This means that you may make several separate comments for each action you take.  

You can enter your name up to 5 times!  

I'll draw the name for the winner tomorrow night at 9:00 PM PST and announce it here tomorrow morning.  

Good luck! 

Here's what people are saying about Herbal Roots Zine. 

The information included on each herb is simple and experiential enough to entertain even very young children and in-depth and insightful enough to engage teens and yes, even us old timers. Personally, I find Herbal Roots to be an invaluable treasure in the homeschooling of our 10 year old daughter, Rhiannon. Which gives me a great excuse to read it myself. Even beyond parents, Herbal Roots Zine provides a great resource to any educator or caregiver hoping to find effective and easy ways to facilitate connection between children, the earth and the healing herbs.
-Kiva Rose

Though directed at kids, Herbal Roots Zine is IDEAL for adults.  I love how it keeps things simple, and I love the great, beautiful art.

You get to learn through information and recipes sure, but the REAL magic is in the PLAY…songs, poems, crafts, puzzles and stories. These are the oldest form of human learning. We’re hard wired for it, and this is why Herbal Roots Zine is the most effective herbal learning tool I have seen.

Kristine is an amazing artist and herbalist. As a mom of 4 kids, she has a true gift for connecting with kids. Though my own children really love Herbal Roots Zine, secretly, it’s me who spends the most time with it. Shhhh.
-John Gallagher, L.Ac., LearningHerbs.com