Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Ebook is on sale

I wasn't actually planning on presenting a webinar and ebook this month - I have my Facebook friends to thank for that! 

You see, I did a presentation on using herbs with children here in my Valley for the mothering group. And I made up this super cute 9-page booklet to go along with it. For fun I uploaded a photo of that to my Facebook page and within minutes had numerous requests for the booklet! 

Seeing that we are entering the cold and flu season and many people were requesting a book I jumped right on it. I got in touch with Michael (who was vacationing in Kauai at the time!) and he graciously agreed to do a webinar with me. Jill and Anne at East West School of Herbology helped me to get the announcement in the newsletter (at the very last minute!) and a webinar was born. 

I then started to work on my little pamphlet of notes. Over the past three weeks I transformed the little booklet into over 20,000 words and 92 pages of information about using herbs with kids. 

The ebook covers the following... 

Dosage issues for children
When to see a doctor
Herbs for fevers
Herbs for coughs
Herbs for congestion
Herbs for sore throats
Herbs for tummy troubles
Herbs for earaches
Herbs for teething
Herbal baths
and many herbal recipes

I strongly believe that taking care of our common illnesses by using affordable, effective and safe plant medicines is our human right. That's why I really strive to give out a lot of my information for free. Whether it is through this blog, Facebook posts or the free webinars with Michael Tierra. 

By selling an accompanying ebook, it provides a way for those who are interested and able to support my sharings and my work as an herbalist. 

Even though these webinars and ebooks are weeks of solid work, I love doing them. And I really appreciate all the support I get from the herbal community whether it is emails and Facebook posts to say thank you, or participating in my giveaways to help spread the word and for those who buy my ebooks. 

I couldn't be an herbalist with you all!  (Either egotistically or financially!) 

The winner of a free copy of my ebook is.... 


Congratulations! I've already sent you a message.  

And for the rest of you who are interested here is the cart to buy the ebook. The cost is $15

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Thank you all again for supporting me whether it is through your kind words, spreading the word, or through your pocket book. 

Enjoy these winter months! 