Rabu, 23 November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'll leave you with a photo of a panettone from Panera one of our favorite places for breakfast and lunch.  This one has walnuts and cranberries.  The Herbal Husband enjoys his treats for the holidays.  I have to temper mine and eat it once in a while.  I have always wanted to make my own.  Martha Stewart makes one that looks easy.  I mastered Martha's pie crust so maybe I should try her panettone recipe.  This is not the recipe I remember, but the mind plays tricks sometimes!  It looks a lot more complicated than what I remember.

Well, we want to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving day to those of you who read about us in the U.S. and hope that you enjoy your family and friends.  The Herbal Husband was already asking if I was going to get the turkey ready!  Just cooking the breast so not as much work as the whole bird.  We do simple for the holidays, but we hope you enjoy your celebration!  Talk to you later.