Minggu, 27 November 2011

Still Green But Not For Long!

We were out yesterday raking the last leaves and mowing for hopefully the last time!  The top photo is the jasmine that is hardy for us in Zone 6.  It has a small pink flower, but it is unfortunately not good for tea.   I can't believe how it has grown!  We bought it at Well Sweep Herb Farm in New Jersey.  They have a great catalog and they still do mail order.  I am putting together my favorite mail order herb seed and plant list for The Herb Companion and will be posting that in the next few weeks.  The middle photo is a look into the upper garden overlooking the herb garden.  The ornamental grasses are taking over!  The last photo is of the Everblooming Cecile Brunner.  Still doing her thing!  I made a small bouquet for the table and I'll share that with you on the banner page.  Don't forget the giveaway!  Click on the link on the right hand side to give me a comment.  The contest ends this coming Wednesday, November 30th at 10 AM Eastern Standard Time.  Hope you had a great turkey day.  I'll leave you with our dinner.  We make a darn good turkey!