Selasa, 26 April 2011

Was A Beautiful Day to Get Outside!

We have all these quirky little paths that are a bear to mow and are full of weeds each spring.  I do take delight in pulling the wild cress (we do eat that in our salads) and creeping Charlie (ground ivy) each season.  Creeping Charlie is a real problem for homeowners who enjoy their lawns.  I have already gotten two bug bites!  I have been out even between rain showers this year.  We have had a lot of rain.  I think we are at 7 inches over for the season already!
The bronze fennel is coming back, a magnet for swallowtails and the ever present lemon balm.  In some cases, I do use lemon balm as a filler like a seat filler at the Oscars!  Way off base there!  Sorry about that!
The lovage is looking good and has doubled in size since my last report.  Love, love the spring herbs in the garden.
I don't have a lemon verbena coming back in the garden.:(  I do have a curry plant (Helichrysum italicum) and it is definitely a tender perennial for us.  Just need to remember to cover it on colder nights and we will probably have some in May!  Well, I hope you have had a good day wherever you may be.  Tomorrow is Miss C's 14th birthday!  She is growing up way too fast.  I've got a special surprise for her.  I'll share it after I give it to her and it may be later in the week after her birthday.  I'll at least call and sing her a happy birthday.  Talk to you later.