Senin, 25 April 2011

Got a Request and Have Gotten It Before, Herbally Speaking!

I got a request from a new follower and others in the past to write a blog devoted to planting a new herb garden.  Also talking about growing herbs in containers as a foil against deer.  The good news, Linda, is that deer mostly don't eat herbs. The one herb that they do eat are roses because they know they are an edible flower!

Maybe I should be doing a blog called Lemon Verbena Lady's Herb Gardening 101.  I just did a 2 hour and 15 minute talk on it and it could translate into a blog I suppose.  Well, I have thought about doing a book/booklet.  I'm trying to concentrate on this blog, my blog on The Herb Companion magazine and I'm supposed to be blogging for The Herbal Bouquet.  Not doing that very well!  Linda who just asked is from Georgia and Becca who is a follower from Alabama has asked for me to write about the herbs in my garden and how I use them.  My blogging friend, Taylorsoutback, from Wisconsin, would like to hear me speak.  So would Tufa Girl in Texas.  She is always trying to motivate me to do a booklet/book, a podcast, something, anything on herbs.  So Linda, you aren't the only one who is trying to get me to write, speak something about starting an herb gardening.  I'm going to think about it.  If you have a suggestion, please let me know in an e-mail or a comment.

P.S. There is a new post on The Herb Companion Website.  Just click the photo to get to the new post.