Minggu, 17 April 2011

A Little Herbal Rice!

I can't believe in all of the years I have been blogging that I haven't shared this recipe with you!  I have been making this for a long time.  The cookbook is from 1981.  So I have been making it for 30 years!  Wow!  Just last night I had a light bulb moment, herbally speaking.  I used herb butter in this recipe.  Duh!  It was delicious!  Well, what' not to like with butter and herbs make it even better.  It looks like a lot of rice for two people and it is but, the Herbal Husband's middle name besides CoolWhip is rice!  Usually The Herbal Husband is the rice cooker of this household, but I'm the only one who makes this particular rice recipe.

Risotto Alla Zanetti
"Light and fluffy rice"

1 med. onion, minced
1/2 stick butter (herb butter recipe here)
1 4-oz. can mushrooms, drained (I use fresh)
1 cup long grain rice
2 cups liquid, 1 2/3 cups water or stock (I always use stock) and 1/3 cup white wine
salt, to taste (I never use salt.)
2 tsp. Spice Islands chicken stock, optional (I never use this.)

Saute the onion in butter.  When lightly browned, add the mushrooms and saute a few minutes longer.  Add rice, liquid, salt and chicken stock.  Put mixture in a casserole, cover and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until liquid is absorbed.

Preparation:  15 min.               Easy             Serves:  4
Cooking:       45 to 50 min.     Can do ahead
Recipe of Mrs. Donald Brewster

I double this recipe because one recipe goes in one sitting for The Herbal Husband!  So everything doubles, including the butter!  Delicious!  Hope you enjoy it.  It is good even if you don't use herb butter.  It always turns out beautifully!  This recipe is from one of my favorite cookbooks, Three Rivers Cookbook II  from 1981 which benefited child-oriented agencies through the Child Health Association of Sewickley, Inc.  It's movie day once again.  We are seeing Of Gods and Men.  A French film.  I'll be reading furiously!  Windy and raw day here.  Hope your day is going well.  Talk to you later.