Kamis, 07 April 2011

Can I Blog Without Photos?

I guess there are lots of blogs that blog without photos.  I may have to be one of those until I get my new computer online!  I do have it out of the box and started to read the instructions.  I think I will have The Herbal Husband's nephew coach me from Vancouver.  He repairs computers and knows all the latest so I'm sure I will be up and running soon.  We get Fios next week.  'Til then I'll just type and will add photos later.

We were out today working in the herb garden.  I had some herbal casualties this year.  I think age and the intense cold weather and the length of our winter this year may be the culprits.  We started pruning out dead wood and it's looking good already.  You will just have to take my word for it at the moment.  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.