Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Some Awards to Make Me Happy!

Yikes, my computer skills have been tested once again.  My fellow Pittsburgher, although she lives near Boston, Penny Watson bestowed this award a couple of weeks ago.  Anyway, thanks to Penny of (Penelope's Romance Reviews), I was honored with The Versatile Blogger Award. Here are the rules and regulations.....

1--Share 7 things about myself.
2--Pass this award on to 15 other bloggers recently discovered.
3--Notify recipients.
4--Link the blogger who gave this award.
Okay, first up.....7 (well, maybe 6) things about myself.....

1.  I hitchhiked on major roads around Pittsburgh in college a couple of times which was probably not very smart!
2.  Got to drink when I was 13 years old at some pretty ritzy places in Europe!  My mother let me do it!  Alcohol wasted on the youth!
3.  I enjoy watching reality TV and game shows.  Not all reality and not all game shows!  Just some of both!
4.  Ran in The Great Race 10K once and finished.
5.  Lived in Boston for a year while in school.
6.  When I was a teenager I literally ran into Tony Curtis at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas.  Mother was there as well! 

I think that's enough information at the moment!   Then just days after that I received another award from Mina of Tennessee and Green Witch with Sprinkles.  She has a beautiful German Shepard and a black cat.  I won't hold the cat against you, Mina!  I love cats when there is a computer between me and the cat.  I have to share 7 (well, 6) things about myself (See above.) and pass it along to 7 other bloggers.
Wow, ladies, I hope it is OK to put both awards in the same post, because I need to get my lists of recipients together and that will take a little more time.  I just wanted to thank both of you from the bottom of my herbal heart.  They really cheered me up after the big game yesterday.  Didn't turn out exactly how I had imagined, but as Penny said, I'm over it!  Sort of like childbirth so I hear (You forget how painful it is until it happens again.), I'll forget by next season.  I'm doing another post shortly from a question from my buddy, Thoughts from Taylor's Outback who is celebrating in Wisconsin.  Lucky you!  The quote today is from Don't Throw in the Trowel by Texas Bix Bender:
A house without a garden is a temporary home.

Hope you had a great day today!  Talk to you soon.