Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

A Cheer Me Up for You, Me and The Herbal Husband!

They were calling out my name at the new grocery store!  I don't know how they knew me as Lemon Verbena Lady!  Oh, well, they are beautiful flowers and know somehow I love herbs.  OK, enough of the weird vibe!  Just had to cheer us up and The Herbal Husband just yelled up how beautiful they are!  It worked!  Rain, rain, rain!  Been working feverishly on my handouts for April.  It's a lot of pages!  Hopefully not too many!  Then I need to get a Power Point together.  Fun to see old photos of the garden.  Hopefully the snow will be gone again over the weekend.  Hope it stays away this time, but we do have about a month more of winter!  Hope you are OK!  Praying hard for the people of New Zealand!  Hope you are as well.  Got to run.  It's lunchtime.  Will get you a quote later!