Rabu, 15 September 2010

The Herbal Husband Wanted You to See This!

This is a hot pepper from Peru that The Herbal Husband wanted you to see!  It needs a longer season than we can give it.  Although this summer was hot, hot and hot, the plant is in a container so the plant gets the heat inside when it gets cooler, like now.  If you leave the seeds and ribs inside, it is very hot, but The Herbal Husband made a salsa with onions and oil and vinegar and the pepper without the seeds and ribs.  He said it was very tasty, but not too hot!  I'll take his word for it!
Then moving on to the bean production!  It has been amazing.  I had to leave The Herbal Husband my Preserving book from Time/Life Books.  He actually blanched and froze the bean production while I was gone!  Good job sweetie! Did another two batches of raspberry jam this morning!  Hope your harvest is going well.  The weather is beautiful here.  Love, love the fall in western Pennsylvania.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.