Sabtu, 11 September 2010

The Gifts of Plants

It is my honor to be presenting at the Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference taking place next weekend, September 17-19. This first annual event promises to be an epic mixture of in-depth learning and flat out fun.

Due to some last minute schedule changes Kiva Rose asked me if I would be interested in presenting at the conference only a few weeks ago. With a resounding YES I then searched for an appropriate topic - something practical, yet entertaining while also being unique to my voice and experience.

The result is a topic very close to my heart, incorporating the gifts of the plants into our lives as a means of connection to ourselves and to the world around us.

Whether we live in the wilderness or in the city we can enrich our interactions with the world around us by using the gifts found there for our every day needs and even our sophisticated wants. From the practical to the beautiful we will learn about plants growing all over north america to re-discover the many gifts and lessons they offer. I'll be bringing a variety of props and stories to bring this topic alive.

I am looking forward to meeting so many people next weekend. Safe travels everyone and see you at the Ghost Ranch!