Jumat, 24 September 2010

Early Morning Herb Garden Views!

The Pineapple Sage Finally in Bloom!

The 'Nazareth' Sage Back to Its Silver Color!

The Nasturtiums Are Still Blooming!
The 'Berggarten' Sage Looking Good!  
The good thing about coming back from England is that I have been walking early in the morning.  It gives me a very good start for the day and it is still hot here!  What's up with that?  It is going to abruptly end tonight and be more autumnal tomorrow for the Mother Earth News Fair at Seven Springs Mountain Resort.  I will be there tomorrow to meet my editor-in-chief, K.C. Compton from The Herb Companion magazine and one of my favorite herbal authors, Jim Long!   It's about an hour southeast from Pittsburgh.  Check out the schedule in the link above for ticket pricing and schedules.  Saw Ben Affleck in The Town yesterday.  Very intense, but very well written and acted.  Don't usually go to these kind of movies, but the cast was excellent.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.