Sabtu, 25 September 2010

A Beautiful Day at the Mother Earth News Fair at Seven Springs!

The Hotel at Seven Springs

Jim Long Talking About Growing and Using Herbs

Lemon Verbena Lady Meets Jim Long

K.C. Compton and Fall in Love with Flavor

Lemon Verbena Lady Meets K.C.
Lily of the Valley's Booth

Companion Plant's Booth

A Belgium Draft Horse That's 17.3 Hands High!

Momma and Baby Alpacas

Overview of Outside Exhibitors Area
Well, I hope you get an idea of what you may have missed if you weren't up at Seven Springs in southwestern Pennsylvania.  It was a beautiful day and lots of people from all over the country (We were behind a license plate from California!) were at the Mother Earth News Fair.  You still have a day to pack up the kids and go!  There was so much traffic at the beginning that we missed most of Jim Long's talk on herbs.  Sorry, Jim!  We did have a brief meeting and I gave him some cinnamon basil jelly!  You have inspired me for years, Jim!  Thanks for all of the good information.  We did get to hear the editor-in-chief of The Herb Companion magazine, K.C. Compton speaking about herbs and flavors.  You were very informative, K.C. and I'm not just saying that because I blog for you!

My American Herbal Companion and I had to try out the crab cake sandwich for lunch.  It was hit.  Two of our favorite herb sellers were there, Lily of the Valley in Minerva, Ohio and Companion Plants in Athens, Ohio.  Then we moved outside and looked at the farm animals, the Belgium draft horses were huge, 17.3 hands high!  The alpacas, momma and baby were beautiful.  The last photo is an over view of the outside area.  We had a fun day.  You will too if you go!  I'm going to be in the garden tomorrow.  Got to attack those stray and pesky ornamental grasses and garlic chives!    Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.