Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Warm and Windy!

We went from snow and cold to no snow and warm (in the 60's) and windy.  I have so much to do (as usual) that I'm just going to take one thing at a time.  I did a garbage patrol today because out front someone had dumped some drinks in what they might of thought was a garbage bin.  We had to put up a wire fence to keep out the dogs from leaving deposits.  It has worked for the dogs, but the humans need a little more training!  This is a great time to be weeding the grass out and trimming the herbs back.  My pineapple mint invades everywhere and I don't mind it too much.  I do try to control it at this time of year so that it doesn't become a problem later.  I also didn't get carried away because I don't want to be sore tomorrow!  I want to be able to get back out there and keep working!
It may not look like much but the mint survived above ground this winter more than any other year.  It will be easy to see where it needs to come out.  Hope you are having a good day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.