Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Searching for photos for the American Herbalist Guild

Do you take beautiful plant photos? Do you have apothecary or more clinically orientated photos? 

The American Herbalist Guild is in the process of re-designing their website and is looking for high quality photos for this project as well as for their online newsletter and the Journal of the American Herbalist Guild (JAHG). 

We are interested in apothecary or clinically orientated photos and high quality plant photos, especially the following plants: 

goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
gotu kola (Centella asiaticum)
horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
kava (Piper methysticum)
licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
osha (Ligusticum spp.) 
red root (Ceonothus spp.)
rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa)
reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)
sarsparilla (Smilax regelii)

Some things to consider: 
  • We are interested in beautiful, high quality photos. 
  • All photos need to be high resolution, the higher the better. 
  • If you would like to be credited for the photo, then you’ll need to include a watermark on the photo itself*. OR save the file name with your name. Please list your name only (not websites, blogs, etc). If you do not watermark the photo or include your name in the file name then we assume you do not require credit. 
  • Please label all plant photos with the genus name and species if possible. 
  • Please submit all apothecary/clinical photos with any necessary explanations (location, etc) 
  • By submitting your photos you are agreeing to let the American Herbalist Guild use the photos in their newsletters, their website, their journal (JAHG) or any other way that supports the organization. Photos will never be used as a stand alone project and will never be used for a financial gain. 
  • Photos of people’s faces, unless you can also send a release form from the person photographed giving the Guild permission to use those photos.
  • Low resolution photos
  • Unlabeled photos 
  • Blurry or otherwise poor quality photos. 
If you have photos you would like to share with the AHG please send them to me via email. If you have a large number of photos you would like to share consider burning them to a disk and sending them to me via snail mail. 
If you have any questions please contact me via email
Thanks for your consideration in this beautification project!

*Free software available for watermarking photos