Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Something for Everyone in the Catalog Category!

The Herbarium from Massachusetts and Horizon Herbs in Oregon

Botanical Interests Seed Catalog

The Antique Rose Emporium-Don't Forget Roses are the Herb of the Year 2012

Goodwin Creek Gardens in Oregon

White Flower Farm in Connecticut
The seed catalogs have started to wind down.  That means the the plant catalogs have started up.  The top photo are catalogs from The Herbarium in western Massachusetts and Horizon Herbs in far away Oregon.  Both very good medicinal herb sources.  Probably one of my last seed catalogs of the season from Botanical Interests  in Colorado.  A very good source of roses, 2012 herb of the year, for you southern folks from the Antique Rose Emporium out of Texas.  Goodwin Creek Gardens from Oregon has a great herb plant and seed selection and other plant choices as well.  And last but not least, I got White Flower Farm from Connecticut.  I ordered The Works (100 daffodil bulbs) many years ago and they are still producing beautiful flowers.   The weather continues to be summer like, but we are supposed to cool down over the weekend!  Thank goodness.  I would have had to take the cover off the ac if it hadn't!  Continue to work in the garden.  Tried to make a dent in cutting down the front!  I need a machete!  Hopefully I will be able to get that done by next week when you know who gets back from Peru!  I'm going to the Phipps flower show and the Hunt Institute tomorrow.  Will share some photos.  Hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later.