Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Sometimes It's About Friends-Our Trip to Vancouver!

The Lengths Some People Go to Keep Squirrels Off the Feeder!
Pete's Herb Garden
A Bay Tree in the Neighborhood
Loved the Name of This Company--Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap!
Really, an Elephant in the Front Yard!
The Skyline of Vancouver
Granville Island
Walked Miles for This Lunch, Pasta Carbonara!
Tiramisu!  Had to Help the Herbal Husband!
Pete Playing Some Jazz for Us!
We didn't spend all of our time with the nephew and his family on this trip.  The Herbal Husband had a Peruvian high school friend who he hadn't seen in 50 years.  So we met him at his apartment and then walked to lunch!  It was Victoria Day so it was a national holiday for many people and businesses.  Unfortunately the Peruvian restaurant where he wanted to go was closed because of Victoria Day.  So we ended up at an Italian restaurant very close by.  Fortunately it was open and it had very good food. Very nice day outside.  Getting those sticks and strings back out.  The Chinese Chestnut is blooming and the smell drove me inside to do this post!  Hope you had a great day wherever in the world you may be.  Talk to you later.