Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Lady Catherine Visits The National Herb Society Conference

Lady Catherine came for a visit from Lovain in the year 1429 to Pittsburgh in the 2lst century.  I was one of the ladies in waiting looking for light to see.  It was dark in the Medieval Age, but in the 21st century there needed to be light!  She instructed the audience in the duties of a medieval lady.  She mostly had a shy audience, but there was one brave soul in the back of the tent that raised her hand to be mentored.  It was fun Kathleen as always.  Very educational.  Finally, toward the end of the program, the hotel staff brought a floor lamp into the tent to give a touch of light.  It's a little muggy in the herb garden, but the bee balm is in bloom.  A small alphabet of edible flowers!  A favorite time of year for me.  Will show you in tomorrow's post.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.