Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

It Was Just A Beautiful Day in the Garden and A Couple of Yippee Moments!

One thing about being away is that some usual herbal projects like making chive blossom vinegar have gone by the wayside this season!  The blossoms get so heavy that as you can see they make the plant collapse.  Once you clip off the blossoms, you can help it get its shape back.  If your chive plants look like the one above, clip off those blossoms, you may get a repeat bloom.

I worked on getting beds trimmed and weeded.  I also had to clip the Virginia creeper off the fence in the front garden.  It was choking out my apothecary rose that has started to rose as The Herbal Husband likes to say.
This was some of the vine that I pulled off the rose bush. 

This was the view I was looking for.  My 'Alba' rugosa rose in the center of the photo and blooming.  Yippee!  My other yippee moment was that my horseradish jelly gelled!  A double yippee!  I decided to check it last night after waiting for the technician to arrive to reset our internet and phone.  It had set up!  What a relief!  So you can use the horseradish jelly recipe I gave you earlier with confidence that it will set up.  The recipe makes 8 8 oz. jars exactly.  I made 6 8 oz. jars (not 7 as it said in the recipe) and 4 4 oz. jars for people to sample a smaller size.  We are going to have a great stretch of weather so hopefully I will be able to get caught up with my trimming and weeding.  Hope you have had a great day.  We certainly did here.  Talk to you later.  More adventures from Vancouver to come.  Have a great weekend.