Senin, 07 Maret 2011

OK, Couldn't Stay Away! Making Herbal Butter!

Hi, just wanted to come by and show you that the chives are up and growing in the herb garden.  I needed some this morning when I made the herbal butters for tomorrow's class.  They are going to try a butter with my favorite butter dried mix (second and third photos) from The Village Herb Shop.  I truly sprinkle it on mayo in a sandwich to give it an herbal boost.  It is a very delicious mix.  I think dill based.  Then they will try a fresh herb butter (the bottom photo) and here is the recipe:

Herbal Butter
• 1/2 cup (1 stick) of butter or margarine, softened
• 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
• 3 tablespoons fresh herbs, chopped (your choice)
• 1 clove of garlic, pressed
1. Finely chop herbs and mix into softened butter, add other ingredients.  Put in a covered container.  Refrigerate for 24 hours before using.
2. Herb butter may be kept refrigerated for two weeks or frozen for up to six months.  Put butter on vegetables, pasta, fish, meat, poultry, bread, etc.
Courtesy of  Pete Louquet, Tom Hamlin and Don Haynie, Spring and Summer Herbal Sampler, Raphine, VA:  Mid Valley Press, 1993, page 10.

The nice thing is that you can make it with or without the garlic.  I'm making it for tomorrow's class without the garlic.  I think they will enjoy and you will as well.  Got to run.  Hope you are having a great day!  I'll talk to you tomorrow after my talk!