Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

The Herbal Jungle in the Basement!

When I do the laundry or work in my workspace in the basement, I'm surrounded by fragrant trees and scented geraniums.  We have a bay rum (Pimenta racemosa), allspice (Pimenta dioica) and bay laurel (Laurus nobilis) in the back.  We switched the bay rum and the kaffir lime that was in the garage.  The bay rum needed a cooler space and room.  It wasn't getting enough water and it was drying out!  The kaffir lime in the garage was dropping leaves and needed more heat in the basement.  Hopefully it will work.  BTW, the scented geraniums are 'Logee's Snowflake' and they are in their fourth season coming up.  The lavender is a sweet one that is struggling.  I'm thinking it has had not enough water and then too much.  I may do a post in the near future about water your containers.  We have two different watering styles in this house.  It can be a problem!  Hope you are keeping warm or cool wherever you maybe.  The quote of the day is from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

Yes, in the poor man's garden grows
Far more than herbs and flowers,
Kind thoughts, contentment, peace of mind
And joy for weary hours.
--Miss Howitt
Talk to you later.