Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Another London Favorite Has a New Look and Name!

St. Mary-at-Lambeth which houses the Garden Museum
This is the former Museum of Garden History in London.  It is now called the Garden Museum.  It is a lovely museum and the gardens outside the museum are even better.
The Recreated 17th Century Knot Garden planned and ordered by Lady Salisbury in 1980/81
Love the waddle fences
More Fencing and Rosehips
A Banana Tree
In 1977 John and Rosemary Nicholson created The Tradescant Trust, founded the Museum of Garden History and saved St. Mary's Church from destruction.  Named The Tradescant Trust because both John Tradescant the Elder and John Tradescant the Younger are buried in the courtyard of the church.  They were gardeners and plant hunters to Lord Salisbury at Hatfield House and then to Kings Charles I and Charles II.  Inside there are a number of exhibits, a gift shop (always like those gardening gifts) and a wonderful cafe that serves a very good vegetarian lunch.   It also has a wonderful view of Parliament and Big Ben.

Parliament and Big Ben

Hope you had a wonderful day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  The quote of the day comes from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal:

The blessing is not in living, but in living well.
-- Seneca, 8 B.C.-65 A.D.