Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Online Herbal Learning Opportunities

One of my favorite aspects of the internet is the wide variety of herbal learning opportunities available to us all without leaving the comfort of your own home.  

These may include free one-time webinars, online magazines, year long courses or even shorter herbal courses on focused topics. 

The following is a brief listing of upcoming online herbal courses. This is not meant to be an exclusive list, instead it is a listing of herbalists and courses that I am aware of. Please feel free to share others in the comments below. 

Free Taste of Herbs Webinar- The Pungent Taste
I'll be presenting a free webinar in the Taste of Herbs series on February 15th at 5:30 PST. I'll once again have the honor of Michael Tierra's commentary as we explore the pungent taste of Herbs. The webinar is completely free but you need to register in advance by clicking here.  To hear about my latest new including articles and other learning opportunities please sign up for my newsletter in the left hand column. 

HerbMentor is a monthly subscription website. It has over 1,000 pages of information including audio courses, an herbal encyclopedia, videos of plant walks, monthly interviews with herbalists and a couple of my own columns such as Anatomy and Physiology for Herbalists, The Herbal Glossary Series and many of my ebooks. HerbMentor.com has some exciting new courses coming up soon. Plant walks with 7Song and Ryan Drum, a step by step guide to kimchi, and a new 10 part course with Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa. 

Plant Healer Magazine
This is the new quarterly journal of the contemporary Folk Herbalism resurgence – a downloadable, illustrated, full color PDF magazine dedicated to the further informing, inspiring and empowering of those interested in herbal medicine. Introductory special ends February 1st. 

Herbal Roots Zine
If you aren't familiar with Kristine Brown's incredible zine, then you are in for a treat. Each publication of this zine featured a specific herb, all sorts of information about the herb as well as stories, songs, crafts and more. Perfect for anyone wanting to share their love of herbs with kids. 

Using Herbs with Young Children
Taught by herbalist, Rachel-Fee Prince she says, "This online course is designed to empower caregivers, providing them with a foundational materia medica and the confidence to treat common childhood ailments at home." Register by February 1st. 

Brighid's Well Herbs
Darcey Blue and Sean Donahue offer a variety of herbal courses online. Coming up soon are classes on "Nourishing the Wild You" and a course on Insulin Resistance. 

Gail Faith Edwards
Gail offers many learning opportunities including a free weekly webcast on Monday nights as well as longer more in depth courses. 

Sylvan Institute of Botanical Medicine
I am really looking forward to taking online courses with herbalists Ben Zappin and Thomas Avery Garran. "The Sylvan Institute of Botanical Medicine strives to facilitate the expression of herbal medicine in clinical settings, homes, and any other imaginable venue. Our classes are geared toward Licensed Acupuncturists, Doctors, Nurses, Naturopathic Doctors, Pharmacists, gardeners, parents, community-based herbalists, and students."