Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Herbal Memories-California Style!

Lots of years ago, we took a trip out to California and among the places we stopped was Sycamore Farms in Paso Robles.  Sycamore Farms has turned into Fat Cat Farms.  But back to the postcard above, it says at the top:  "Each day brings new delights here at Sycamore Farms as herbs like thyme, sage and oregano emerge from their long winter's rest.  Even the chickens seem more energetic as they search for bugs.  We're sowing seed for everything from basil to dill."  Below it says:  "Come and explore our seed selection, or just sit on a garden bench and watch the birds."

I actually have an herb from that California visit in my garden.  It is this basil mint or Mentha arvensis.  It is grown commercially in Japan, Brazil and other countries for its essential oils, which are used in toothpastes, pharmaceutical products and colognes.  It prefers a drier situation, but mine seems to be very happy in the shade and wet by the birdbath.  There are 'Banana',  'Coconut' and 'Variegata' varieties of Mentha arvensis as well.

You will get a feel for the farm from the link above.  Hopefully this "new" version will stay afloat!  Please if you are in the Paso Robles area, patronize this farm.  Got to find my photos of that trip.  You will enjoy seeing the other places we visited!  Hope you are staying warm wherever you are!  It is FREEZING here in the 'Burgh!  I hear possibly colder next week!  Yikes!   Our little furnace is working overtime!  Talk to you later!