Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine-Well-Sweep Herb Farm!

The Well-Sweep Sign

The Gift Barn Chock Full of Xmas Gifts for Herb Lovers!

One of the Beautiful Knot Gardens at Well-Sweep

Lamb's Ear Path to the Outhouse!

Rosemarys That Go Into the Greenhouse Before Frost

Early November and the Pineapple Sage was Still Blooming!

Wonderful Pathway and Bed Structure

Birdbath Gives Interest in the Well-Sweep Garden

Another Beautiful Knot Garden

Cy's Exotic Roosters and Chickens!
I am so lucky to be able to travel to herb shops and farms all over the world.  One of my favorite places to stop in any season is Well-Sweep Herb Farm, Port Murray, New Jersey.  It is about one hour east of Allentown, Pennsylvania.  If you are in the area, please visit Well-Sweep and shop for your herbal Christmas gifts and plants.  It is the subject of my guest blog for The Herb Companion magazine.  It is called Herbal Travels: Well-Sweep Herb Farm.  Hope you enjoy it and that you have a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.