Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Sure Sign of Spring! (UPDATED)

First daffodils!  Whoo! Hoo!  Finally, out from under all of that snow.  We had a warm weekend and rain this morning!  Bingo, daffodils!  Lots more to come, but I need to get ready for my talk this evening to the Moms of Multiples!  My hats off to them!  I took the easy way out!  No kids and no pets!  Just wanted to say had fun with the Moms tonight!   I think they enjoyed it!  Oh, too many exclamation points AGAIN!  So here is another shot of spring.  The tete a tete daffodils have started to bloom as well.

I am still waiting to hear from Rhonda Dobson!  Please Rhonda e-mail me your mailing address and I will send you your prize.  You actually won!