Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

I Think Hazardous Duty Pay Is In Order!

I heard a thud the other day as I was in the house.  So when I went out to feed the birds, this is what I found.  The ice in the front gutters is finally coming down.  That's the good news and no gutter has fallen either!  More good news!  Really we have been very lucky.  Our neighbors next door lost all of their gutters in the front.  No, they didn't run away, they just fell off the house!  Big repair job.  Still keeping my fingers crossed and you should also!  Here is the last bit of ice and it should come down today with the warmth of the day.  Never a dull moment here!  Off to water the plants.  If you don't hear from me for a day or so, don't worry!  Just kidding!  Getting close to my 500th post!  Stay tuned!