Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Since You've Been Gone!

You know that song.  Just hum it while you read this post!  I don't even know all of the words, but since he has been gone, we have had bright sunny days!  I'm just being honest!  I get away with being a slug while The Herbal Husband is here.  So it is appropriate that I have to do it all now!  Most importantly feed the wildlife.  So here is proof that the little darlings are getting nutrition!

As you might be able to see above, we feed the squirrels too.  Sometimes they are the only ones eating.  It drives you know who crazy!  Last photo shows the sparrows up front diving into the box.  They peck the bottom of the box when there isn't any food.  Wildlife fun and unpredictable!  Hope you are enjoying a sunny day wherever you may be.  I'm off to watch the snow melt!