Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Photo Tag Fun!-UPDATED

OK, as you remember from yesterday, I was tagged by Julie of MoonCat Farms Meanderings to participate in Photo Tag Fun!  Well, here goes.  This is the tenth photo from my first photo file.  I think if you don't have a tenth photo in your first photo file.  You go to the next file and the next until you have a tenth photo!  OK, here is my photo.  It is from our 25th (Oops, I meant to say 20th.) anniversary trip to France in October 2007. We are well on our way to 25, but haven't gotten there yet!  I must say that October in France is a pretty fabulous time to be there.  This is from a garden show called Festival International Des Jardins De Chaumont-sur-Loire.  This festival celebrated mobiles.  Unfortunately, this photo does not show the hundreds of mobiles throughout the show.  The show for this year starts April 3 and runs through October.  This photo looks like it has some lavender hanging out in the foreground.  The memory is a little foggy!  The trip to Paris and surrounding countryside was amazing!

So here are the rules of Photo Tag Fun:

Open your first photo file.
Scroll to the 10th photo.
Post the photo and tell the story behind it.
Tag five more people!
Here are my tagees:

Flower Lady's Musing for her cozy cottage, tranquil music and beautiful flowers even in the heat and humidity of Florida.

Olde Common Scents from, Alyssa for primitive living style (I almost said primitive style!) and for inspiring her son, Will to get those little growing hands dirty in the garden.

A Southern Garden by Becca for her southern accent even in her writing and for her courage and strength.

Bernideen's Teatime Blog for her elegance and style and love of history.

and finally, because there can only be five, Peggy R of My Affairs with Art (not her husband) and Daily Life.  She will definitely inspiring your crafty side.  You have to check out her bunny baskets for Easter.  Very cute.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!  Hope you are enjoying the day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  Got to go tag some ladies!