Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

Lots Going on Today!

I was online earlier today and found that my dear friend, Julie of MoonCat Farms Meanderings has tagged me.  So sorry, Julie, I had my day planned already.  So I'm going to take an extra day to announce my tagees!

I didn't even have time to take new photos, but there are new flowers blooming!  Whoo! Hoo!  Don't forget you have until 10 PM this evening Eastern Daylight Saving Light to place a comment to win during my 500th Post Contest!  Just place a comment on this post to enter.

I had lunch with my master gardening friend, Lyn.  We always have a lively discussion.  She loaned me a book, Lives of the Trees by Diana Wells.  I'm surrounded by books, but she convinced me that I would enjoy it!  I'll let you know.

Then the retail experiences came.  Bought new glasses after 12 years!  Sticker shock!  The salesman was amazed that my old glasses had made it 12 years!

Ended the day with a wonderful hour's walk.  Getting addicted to this exercise.  It's a great thing!  Hope you had a wonderful day wherever you may be.  Talk to you tomorrow with the names of winners!  Hope you are one of them!