Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Blog Roll Spotlight: Yuba Botanicals

Each month I highlight a blog post from one of the blogs on the Complete Herbal Blog Roll that I find particularly delightful. 

This month's Spotlight comes from a relatively new blogger. I recently found out about Holly's blog and although she only has a handful of posts I love every one of them. 

Her post on Juniper Smoked Hemlock Cheese is a shining example of modern wild food cuisine. What impresses me the most is her enthusiasm for hands on experimentation. She learns a new wild plant from a friend and then promptly begins using that plant in a creative way. 

This blog post isn't filled with "so and so says", but instead is a fresh and contemporary reflection of her personal experience using wild and local foods. I appreciate her ability to break from the mold which is something I hope to cultivate more in my own herbal meanderings. 

For the Blog Roll Spotlight I generally only highlight one post in a blog (which leaves me more posts to highlight in the future!), but you also have to see her recipe for Hair Mud as well. I am looking forward to trying that myself. 

I hope you all enjoy Yuba Botanicals as much as I do! 

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Yellow Dock: A pesky weed as food, medicine and fairy furniture

Scientific Name: Rumex spp.
Family: Polygonacea or buckwheat family
Parts used: young leaves, seeds, roots
Plant Properties: cooling/drying, alterative, slight laxative, astringent, iron enhancer
Plant preparations: food, tincture, vinegar, molasses syrup, decoction

This pesky weed that is despised by so many offers us so many uses whether it be nutritious food, potent medicine, or even beauty in the way of a brilliant yellow dye or a unique flower arrangement. 

Many of you are probably already familiar with the Dock species even if you haven’t met on a first name basis. The flower stalks of this hearty weed turn to a brown rusty color that jump out against the landscape in the late summer and many stalks are still visible in spring. Its leaves are lance shaped growing out from the base of the flower stalk. Sometimes the leaves are curly at the edges, giving it its popular name “Curly Dock.” There are about 25 species of Dock in the North American continent – some have been imported from Europe.

In the early spring dock leaves are some of the first wild edibles to appear, sometimes even poking out of the snow. At this young stage these leaves and tender and delicious! Besides being high in iron the leaves also contain significant levels of calcium, potassium, beta carotene. They have a slight lemony twang to them, which indicates the presence of oxalic acid. (Which is also found in beets, spinach, and rhubarb leaves.) Because of the oxalic acid found in dock leaves it’s not recommended to eat large amounts of raw greens.

Leaves as food and Medicine
The young leaves are a wonderful spring green. You can eat small amounts raw in salads, or cook them in soups or quiche. Because the leaves contain oxalic acid it’s best not to overeat them raw, and avoid them completely if you have a history of oxalate kidney stones. The leaves are slightly sour when young, becoming increasingly so as they get older.

The cooling and astringent leaves can be used topically to reduce swelling from irritations. I’ve used them on cold sores with varying results as well as stinging nettle rashes with better results.

Yellow Dock Frittata
This breakfast can be made with any wild greens, but yellow dock gives it a nice lemony taste.

1 cup yellow dock leaves, steamed and well drained
6 eggs
2 Tbsp. Raw cream
salt and pepper to taste
1 medium potato
½ minced onion or leek
2 tbsp. butter
1 cup grated goat cheese
1 tsp. dried basil
1 T mustard

Peel and finely chop the potato. Sauté onion in butter until tender in a cast iron skillet. Add the potato and sauté for about 5 minutes. Whisk eggs, cream, basil, cheese, mustard, salt and pepper together in a bowl. Add the yellow dock greens.

Preheat the broiler in your over.

Add the egg mixture on top of the potatoes and onions. Cook on low heat on the stove top for about 10 minutes until the bottom of frittata is set, but top is still runny.

Put skillet under the broiler for about five minutes or until the top portion is nicely browned.

Seeds as food and decoration
During the spring and summer, long green flower stalks spring up from among the leaves. By June they are fully formed and by July or August they are abundant rust colored seeds. These are easily recognized in fields and growing alongside the roads. They seem to beckon me each year to harvest the bounty.

To harvest the seeds I cut down the seed stalks and place them in a paper bag. I then keep this bag on its side and leave it outside overnight. You’d be amazed at all the creatures that make their home in the yellow docks seeds. I encourage them to leave peaceably in this way.

The next day I pick through the seeds removing any debris and old leaves. These seeds can then be ground with a mortar and pestle or in food processor.

Why go to all this trouble you ask? Why dock seed crackers of course. My mentor Karen Sherwood taught me this recipe and years later it’s still a favorite in our house.

Photo by Sunny Savage
Dock Seed Crackers
one cup of dock seed flour
one teaspoon of salt
and one cup flour of your choice. (My favorites are whole-wheat pastry flour and rye flour.)

1. Mix in enough water to make pliable, but not sticky dough.
2. On a well-floured surface, roll dough as thin as possible. Cut into desired shapes or transfer it whole to a well-oiled cookie sheet.
3. Bake for 10 -12 minutes at 350 or until crisp.
4. I love these hearty crackers with goat cheese.

The flower stalks also make a fabulous addition to flower arrangements. You can use them when they are green, or later when they are fully mature. I’ve seen them placed with other flowers or even as decoration on their own.

Roots as medicine, dye and fairy tables
As far as medicine goes, the root is the most commonly used portion of yellow dock. I harvest the roots in the late summer and early fall. They like to grow in hard rocky soil. (Or maybe we just have an abundance of hard rocky soil and it happens to grow there.) In either case I have found that a digging stick is oftentimes more helpful than a shovel in getting the roots up.

The root is a long taproot that has a brown outer covering. Underneath this brown sheath is a brilliant yellow that will knock your socks off. It’s no surprise that this was traditionally used as a dye. When you slice the root you will find growth rings similar to a tree. By counting the rings you’ll discover how old the plant is.

These brilliant yellow slices with beautiful rings rippling out make fabulous fairy furniture. You can create your own designs with a young friend. Although the color will fade as they dry, these slices can also be used as temporarily colorful earrings and necklaces.
Dock fairy table and chairs

Yellow dock root is bitter, astringent and cooling making it a great choice for clearing liver heat with signs of slow digestion that can include a lump or heavy feeling in the abdominals along with constipation. Generally described as an alterative, yellow dock (as are most alteratives) is indicated for clearing damp heat conditions.

Yellow dock root contains small amounts of anthraquinone glycosides, that are believed to stimulate the bowels as a laxative. Also being a bitter herb it helps to stimulate various digestive juices which in turn stimulates the peristaltic action of the bowels. Whether yellow dock acts directly on the bowels, or supports healthy digestion through its bitter properties, the result is a gentle effect to clear food stagnation and get those bowels moving.

It is also appropriate for damp heat signs in the blood that surface on the skin such as oozy, wet, red (hot), irritated rashes. I’ve read several accounts of it being used topically as a wash for ringworm.

It is commonly thought that yellow dock contains high amounts of iron and is frequently used for anemia especially anemia associated with pregnancy. There is a growing consensus however, that yellow dock does not actually contain large amounts of iron, but rather it helps the body to better utilize iron. When we view yellow dock in this fashion it makes sense to combine it with nettle leaf or to make a concoction of the root with an equal part of black strap molasses added.

Here's a video about making this type of preparation: 

Rich in minerals yellow dock infuses well in apple cider vinegar. This can be used as a base for salad dressings, or simply taken before meals to aid digestion. Additionally it can be taken to relieve food stagnation and constipation following a meal.

King's American Dispensatory lists the following specific indications for Rumex: 

Specific Indications and Uses.—Bad blood with chronic skin diseases; bubonic swellings; low deposits in glands and cellular tissues, and tendency to indolent ulcers; feeble recuperative power; irritative, dry laryngo-tracheal cough; stubborn, dry, summer cough; chronic sore throat, with glandular enlargements and hypersecretion; nervous dyspepsia, with epigastric fullness and pain extending through left half of chest; cough with dyspnoea and sense of praecordial fullness.

I love to love yellow dock. It is abundant, easy to harvest, and has such a rich history of use for practically every portion of the plant.

This post is part of the Wild Things Round Up. Visit this link for a lot of really scrumptious and creative recipes for dock! 

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Spring Greens & Eggs

Lunch today was very special! A walk around the yard yielded several ingredients for an egg scramble that also used up some things that were needing to be eaten soon.
Tame items included eggs, some mushrooms, fresh salsa, cheese, ham, and butter. Outside I found chickweed, tender dandelion leaves, and some young garlic mustard leaves. Rather than cutting into a whole yellow onion, I yanked a wild onion from the mint patch (multi-tasking at its best).
While the chopped onion and mushrooms simmered with the butter, I chopped up the greens and mixed them into the eggs along with the ham. As they became tender in the pan, the egg mixture was poured over them and stirred.
After the eggs set well, everything got a quick flip, and a hefty topping of salsa and cheese. A few minutes covered to heat through - delish!
Be sure to add some wild yard weeds to your diet this spring. It adds a little something special to any dish you prepare!

A Spring Bouquet for His Return!

We were into the 20's last night!  Yikes!  After the weather we have had, but it is still March!  It's just a wake up call.  Well, I'm going to take a few days off.  The Herbal Husband gets home tomorrow and I need to get a few things done.  Thought I would bring some daffs in for his return.  Fortunately the ones I left outside look OK as well.  I did OK by myself, but it's a lot of work.  Like it better when he is around.  Will be back shortly.  Don't worry still have a lot to talk about.  Talk to you later in the week.

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

More than a coincidence...or... I'm the only Bozo on this bus

This day needs to be memorialized so that if ever I start feeling like things are going wrong, I can look here and remember what that really means.
It started early. Time to run charges before shipping orders. No problem, right? Wrong. The internet program needed to be updated. It's the only thing the Ipod Touch is used for, so it took a few (panic-filled) moments to think of doing a reboot. Okay, onward.
Got a notice for State Sales Tax the other day, so that's a 10 minute job to do right quick before printing mail labels. Hop on the big computer, and it turns out the virus protection is expired.
No problem, there's an auto-renewal. But for some reason I couldn't access the file. After over 1/2 hour of searching for a contact # and nearly beating my head on the desk several times, my first question is about the extra $20 they charged me. The guy on the phone and I both laughed heartily when he told me that was the charge for the renewal notices they've been sending me! Hahahaha - cancel that, give me a refund, I can remind myself.
The next hour was spent getting the program loaded onto the computers. Quick and easy sure means something different to me than it does to the virus protection company, but in the meantime there's time to print out those mailing labels.
Oh-oh, the USPS site is down. Dang!
Okay, okay... I'll just pay those Sales Taxes and maybe it will come back up. Where the heck did that file with ALL the sales for 2011 go? Search, search, search... oh look, somehow that was deleted last week!
Fortunately, my website held all the info so that I could recreate the file... because, you know... I've got nuthin' but time.
Finally success - taxes paid.
Now let's get back to those labels. Oh look! The Post Office is closed now, so it's too late for today - but the site is up, and I ripped through those labels and hit "print". And waited for the wireless printer to start spitting them out. And waited... nothing.
Ah hahahaha! The update to the virus protection must have taken the printer offline. hahahahaha.... look at all my hair on the floor! hahahaha. There's another half hour of fumbling around. And then they print.
So now it is 6:04 in the evening, and I've eaten my first meal of the day while typing this out.
In a minute, I'll head down to make a couple batches of soap (that should go well...) and finish the last details of the magazine to send to the printer tomorrow.
Self-employment is fun!

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Here for the Wrong Holiday!

The turkeys were here for Easter and not Thanksgiving!  They paid a visit to my neighbor's the other day.  I looked out the kitchen window and saw these enormous blobs on the driveway!  Sparrows on steroids!  I thought can't have them ingesting the sage now!  Wait until later!  OK, enough silliness for one post.  Going to hear Miss C play in Honors Band today.  A brief but lively concert!  Hope you are having a great day.  It has cooled down here.  Maybe frost tonight!  Yikes!  Talk to you later.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Going Around the World at Phipps!

The World as a Topiary at the Phipps Entrance

The United Nations of Flags

The Welcoming Image in the Palm Court

French Polynesian flare in the Serpentine Room
The Ferns were thriving in the heat

And So were the orchids!
The Crotons were even in bloom!

Homage to Holland and the Fragrance Was Amazing!
The Tropical Rain Forest Highlights India

Lots of Interactive Displays for Learning

Of course I had to find an herbal arrangement of rosemary, celery and lemon thyme!

The Tranquil Japanese Garden

Chihuly in the Desert Room
Lots more to see at the Spring Flower Show at Phipps through April 15, 2012.  The flowers were being changed out in the entrance exhibits because of all of the warm weather we've been having!  We also went over to another treasure that I have talked about before, The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation.  They have an exhibit called Pennsylvania Native, A Wildflower Walk through June 29, 2012 in cooperation with the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.  It is a very interesting display of both wildflower drawings and the process of making an herbarium.  Need to go see the Herbarium at the Carnegie some day.  Well, the rain has arrived.  It is a bit cooler, but it will cool down even more tomorrow.  Hope you are having a great day.  I have a few things to "clean up" before The Herbal Husband gets home.  Talk to you later.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Don't Want You to Miss What's Going on in the Neighborhood!

I took my walk in two parts today, half of it was early and then the other half around lunchtime.  I wanted to take photos of the trees blooming in the neighborhood that The Herbal Husband might not see when he gets back on Wednesday.  The magnolias and weeping cherries are just fabulous this year.  The last photo is of a electrical transformer that a woodpecker is using to (I think) try and drum up a mate!  An original.  Got so much work out in the garden that I thought I would come in and blog for you!  Rain overnight and through the weekend and cooler temperatures.  Sorry don't like 70's and 80's in March.  This is unpredictable like March can be but I like my cool weather until it's time for warm and hot!  I'll see you again.  You know where I'm going.  Out to the garden.  Talk to you later.

Attention Seattleites! Two class opportunities in April

This April I will be teaching two different courses at Dandelion Botanical Company in Seattle, WA. I hope to see some of you there!

Friday, April 20th from 6:30 - 8:30

Do you have frequent colds or the flu? Seasonal allergies? Autoimmunity concerns? In this class we’ll begin by learning basic anatomy and physiology of the immune system and then move on to learning how to address particular pathologies. We’ll cover a wide range of herbal materia medica and other holistic approaches. Class tuition includes extensive digital handouts. 

This class costs $30. You must register in advance by visiting this link

Professional Herbalist Certificate Course
April 21st and 22nd

I am honored and thrilled to announce that I will be teaching for Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa's school, the Integrative Education Institute in Seattle, WA. 

This is a multi-year program for those wanting to become clinical herbalists. The first year is divided into three modules and you can take each module in whatever order that is convenient for you. 

April 21st will start the beginning of module three and enrollment is open to everyone (even if you have not taken the earlier modules). 

You can learn more about the program here. 

If you are in the Seattle area and would like to be notified of future classes, please sign up on the newsletter form below. 

This list will only receive occasional emails about future classes. 

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Holy Cow or I Mean Holy . . .!

A Wild Turkey!

His Family!
TURKEYS!  I was waiting for my ride today and looked across the street in my neighbor's front yard!  We have a lot of wildlife but I think this is the first time we have had turkeys!  It is a beautiful day in the 'Burgh and I'll share my adventures at Phipps tomorrow.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Something for Everyone in the Catalog Category!

The Herbarium from Massachusetts and Horizon Herbs in Oregon

Botanical Interests Seed Catalog

The Antique Rose Emporium-Don't Forget Roses are the Herb of the Year 2012

Goodwin Creek Gardens in Oregon

White Flower Farm in Connecticut
The seed catalogs have started to wind down.  That means the the plant catalogs have started up.  The top photo are catalogs from The Herbarium in western Massachusetts and Horizon Herbs in far away Oregon.  Both very good medicinal herb sources.  Probably one of my last seed catalogs of the season from Botanical Interests  in Colorado.  A very good source of roses, 2012 herb of the year, for you southern folks from the Antique Rose Emporium out of Texas.  Goodwin Creek Gardens from Oregon has a great herb plant and seed selection and other plant choices as well.  And last but not least, I got White Flower Farm from Connecticut.  I ordered The Works (100 daffodil bulbs) many years ago and they are still producing beautiful flowers.   The weather continues to be summer like, but we are supposed to cool down over the weekend!  Thank goodness.  I would have had to take the cover off the ac if it hadn't!  Continue to work in the garden.  Tried to make a dent in cutting down the front!  I need a machete!  Hopefully I will be able to get that done by next week when you know who gets back from Peru!  I'm going to the Phipps flower show and the Hunt Institute tomorrow.  Will share some photos.  Hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later.

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Some Views of Spring Before Spring Comes!

'Tete a tete' daffodils

Part of "The Works" from White Flower Farm

A White Rugosa Rose leafing out!

A 'Dublin Bay' Rose leafing out!
A Primula of Some Kind!

Pieris japonica in full bloom
Daffodils Coming in Bloom This Morning!
Some views of the garden before the 80 degree days come.  That really will take a toll on the daffodils.  Getting very green after the nice and warm St. Patrick's Day we had!  It is just silly and ridiculous and I hope this doesn't lead to an overly hot or cool summer!  Well, I'll enjoy it while it is here.  Thanks for all of the thoughts on the cat issue.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.

Just for the record...early spring

I took a moment out from work on the May/June issue of The Essential Herbal magazine yesterday, specifically to record what is going on outside.
Mid-March looks suspiciously like late April. Above, you'll see that our Rosemary didn't just survive this year, it is preparing to bloom. Echinacea is coming up. We are way past worrying about a frost - if it happens, there's nothing we can do to save the peaches, apples, blueberries, and cherries that are starting to bloom already. Gooseberries had tiny buds on Saturday that burst into leaves yesterday. Many years, we are still under snow at this point, however we've already had a month of warm weather. Elderberry is busting out all over. The furnace hasn't run in weeks, and the windows have been open daily. Comfrey is starting to grow through the debris from last autumn.
The "lawn" is full of speedwell, purple dead nettle, and shepherd's purse. It will need a good mow, which usually happens for the first time each year in late April or early May.
The easiest way for me to put a time-table on this is to remember that as a child looking for blossoms for May Day bouquets, there might be a few violets, perhaps some dogwood, and dandelions. This year, I can only imagine what will be blooming by May. We have a full week of 70's forecasted ahead. Could it possibly be that our last frost was in February?