Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Tea Around Town

I have tea on the brain at the moment.  I plan to get downstairs to work on some new tea blends.  So in the meantime, I found this article about tea in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette today called Drink Your Tea... and eat it, too!

I remember when I was President of a local herb club, I invited a local British woman to talk about tea and using it in cooking.  She said to me that she did not like or drink tea, but she would be glad to talk about it!  I'm sure there are others who are British who like coffee better.  In fact I know one, my British Herbal Companion!  The Post-Gazette article mentions a whole bunch of websites and you don't even have to live in the 'Burgh to go to them.  It also gives you a few recipes using tea.  I have my favorite tearoom ladies links on the right side of my blog.  Check those out as well.  It is a rainy and somewhat warm day today.  It is either really cold or semi-cold.  I really miss the snow and now it is gone again.  I'm going to go do my exercise.  Talk to you later.