Senin, 06 Februari 2012

A Few More of My Favorite Catalogs This Time of Year!

Here is the latest catalog from The Thyme Garden in Oregon.  It does cost $2 but they do have some very good choices in the herb seed category.  I already have my seeds ordered and received!  I can't even say I can't wait to plant them after the snow is gone.  The snow is definitely gone, gone, gone.  We have been in the 40's for quite a while now.  It may be in the 20's over the weekend, but the winter is very strange.  I'm hoping that it doesn't mean we will have worse insect and disease problems this coming growing season.  We'll just take one problem at a time.  The catalog on the right is Seeds from Italy.  I ordered from this catalog a while back and had very good results.  I was reminded by my blogging buddy, Carla who does a blog called Thyme in a Bottle about this catalog.  Thanks, Carla!

This one just arrived in this afternoon's mail and was mentioned by a Facebook comment I received on The Herb Companion Facebook page.  It is from High Mowing Organic Seeds from Vermont.  It looked like I had already been paging through it.  I have one piece of mail that looks like it has been eaten by a postal machine and tossed out.  I love my mail, but don't always like what the post office does to it!

Please if you are trying to find a new variety maybe try these choices and the others I have posted in January of this year.  As I mentioned, winter has been pretty mild, considering what February, 2010 was like.  Remember this!

Remember this is not this year!  This is 2010!  We usually get about 40 inches of snow in a season and this year, we have had 15 total.  Not complaining, not complaining.  I do think it is a bit funny that I have to go on my friend, Jekka's blog to see snow!  Now that's funny!  OK, hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later!