Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

One Word, Brrrrr!

I'm going to heat up a cup of ginger tea and start working on some different tea blends.  I think I said that about ten posts ago!  I'm easily distracted.  We did have a snow event yesterday.  It didn't produce a lot of snow, but just enough whiteouts that it reminded me of New England snows.  It was good to be inside.  I just ran out long enough to take a new banner photo.  So I will get busy here and share things as I come up with them.  I also have to get busy on a new scheme for my herb garden.  Same excuses, garlic chives, ornamental grasses and the garden has just run amok because I wasn't around enough last summer.  Oh, I have to share some more adventures with you as well.  Lots to talk about.   Hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you may.  Talk to you later.