Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Upcoming Drawing stuff...The Essential Herbal

We've been having a blast sending out little love bombs all over the country! Every day we draw a few names randomly from our suppliers and send a little surprise. This week, we have several of our friends joining in the fun!

Today we had a lovely shampoo bar from Aquarian Bath to give away as well as a few of our own little things.
Later this week, we'll have a couple of e-books from Diane Kidman, herb blends from Backyard Patch, a gift basket from Sagescript, and a book from SunRose Aromatics.
Yesterday, a lucky winner got a felted hat from ReWoolables!
Everyday we also draw 3 names to send small trinkets to - usually a notepad or a spot of tea :-) You can keep up with who is winning HERE.
Good luck everyone, and thank you for subscribing to The Essential Herbal magazine and helping us celebrate our 10th anniversary!