Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Look What Came in the Mail!

This is from Urban Farmer Seeds from Indianapolis, Indiana.  I'm getting their e-mail newsletter and they had an offer I couldn't pass up the other day.  A $10 coupon!  So I got a herb seed starting kit for basil.  We have very low light here in the winter.  Worse than most places.  So I will start these sometime in early to mid April so they will be growing by mid-May or so.  What I love about Urban Farmer is that they make all (or most) of their seed packets from magazine pages and the plant marker is from recycled material.  They are having a seed sale so check it out.  Maybe another problem for Sharon Lovejoy!  Just saying!  We did have snow.  Didn't get a photo posted or maybe I should do it now.  See how dark it gets here.  We have the lights on a lot during a 'Burgh winter.  It's gone already so don't feel bad.  We had a day in the 40's and it rained.  So bye, bye snow!  Well, hope you are having a great day or night.  Talk to you later.