Senin, 09 Januari 2012

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Part 3

This herb seed catalog from The Thyme Garden is mentioned in my latest Herb Companion blog post called Herb Seed Catalogs Mark the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.  This is a $2 catalog, but it is a wonderful catalog just full of wonderful herb seeds and interesting information.  They started out as a restaurant and then bought a farm to carry on their herb seed and plant business.  They do have herbal lunches during the summer months plus they host weddings.  What a beautiful place to have a wedding. It is definitely on my herbal list of places to visit on the west coast.  I will be honest though.  I have never ordered anything until this year!  So here are my selections.
Top row from left to right:  Quillquina (Porophyllum ruderale) is a cilantro like plant from Bolivia, Shunginku (Chrysanthemum coronarium) an edible chrysanthemum, Black hollyhock (Alcea rosea nigra) one of The Herbal Husband's favorities and also an edible flower, a complimentary packet of Bachelor Buttons (Centaurea cyanus), unclear whether this is an edible flower or not.  Some say yes and others say no.  It is not poisonous so you can decide.  Maybe using petals as a garnish to start as they do at The Thyme Garden.  On the bottom row from left to right:  Lemon Savory (Satureja biflora), an unusual savory native to South Africa.  It is an annual for us, but if you put it in a container.  It self-sows into that container and you can keep it going inside during the winter.  I found the plant at Mulberry Creek Herb Farm in Ohio, but lately they have not carried it, Black Lovage (Smyrnium olusatrum), the description says it is a native of the Mediterranean area and W. Europe.  It looks like a huge parsley plant.  All parts of the plant are used in cooking and have a mild celery flavor, Lime Basil (Ocimum americanum) is a different flavor to make jelly and I had a bumper crop of lemon basil jelly last year.  Let's try lime this year and finally, White Borage (Borago officinalis cv) because it reminds me of Sissinghurst Castle and their white garden.

I love the Thyme Garden's small seed packets, but I love what's on the back on the package the most.  I think it sums it up beautifully!
Welcome to Our Herb Family!  Raise 'Em Right!  Can't wait to get started.  We are still having unseasonably warm weather.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you might be.  Need to go make lunch.  Talk to you later.